Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Why does America care what the Queen of America wears?

So.. why do Americans care what the Queen of Thieves Corporate America wears on inauguration day?
The husband is the person that got elected worshiped bought into office.

Do I seem bitter? Yes. We shout freedom and thump our chests that America is so great, yet, here people are cheering on someone who would not be popular all by herself. Treated like a queen.

A real queen, someone who really cared for her People, would be out on the streets spending wealth and helping the less fortunate.

"J crew"? More like "j-no-do".

I'm not anti-America. I love America. I just don't like that we're becoming more and more of haves and havenots.

Rich people should not get richer being in 'charge'.. glass ceiling and all.

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