Saturday, July 30, 2011

Programming a Samsung AK59-00104R Remote

How to program a Samsung AK59-00104R remote with codes:
  1. Turn on the TV.
  2. Point the remote at the TV.
  3. Hold the "TV POWER" button while entering a two digit code.
  4. Release the "TV POWER" button.
If you enter the correct two numbers, the TV should switch off.

TIP: Start entering the remote codes at 00, then 01, then 02, then 03, etc...
TIP: Once you find the correct code, write it down somewhere you can find it next year!


Unknown said...

Holy crap it worked. JVC TV is code 61.

omgitsdidi said...

it worked :) thank u soooo much

ratty boy said...

I still couldn't get it to work. idk if it can either. I have a insignia tv. any other ideas? anyone?

Protiguous said...

The first question we've learned to ask: "Is TV plugged in?" (I'm just teasing!)

Did you make sure the signal from the remote to the TV is not obscured (even clean any dust)?

Most remotes need a direct Line-of-Sight to the receiver.

Did you make sure the remote itself works (fresh batteries)?

Does the remote work on any other device?

Is the TV able to be controlled with any other remote?

Protiguous said...

A poster on says to try the followings codes: 01, 18, 40, 48.. I've no clue, but they're easy to test. :)

Unknown said...

01 code for Samsung tv's

sniz said...

06 for an old school Phillips

Carl Stevenson said...

Thanks, Vizio either 19 or 78

Jason Douglass said...

AWESOME, thank you it worked!!!

Zara Tsanev said...

yes! thank you worked for samsung remote AK59-00061H. sharp tv code is 37

aaryannknows said...

I worked. I love the forums with great information. Samsung tv code is 01. Thanks again

HOC said...

code 19 for my 5-yr-old LG TV. The up/down/left/right buttons don't work, but otherwise good!

Unknown said...

Code 19 also works for RCA tv

Unknown said...

I tried 00 - 99 nothing happened. I have a flat screen Panasonic. Help?

Unknown said...

Haier anyone