Sunday, February 13, 2011

Level 82 Discipline Priest Cataclysm

Here's the pawn scale I'm starting level 82 off with for my World of Warcraft Cataclysm level 82 night elf discipline priest. (whew, mouthful!)

( Pawn: v1: "Discipline": IsOffHand=-1000000, IsFist=-1000000, Is2HMace=-1000000, CritRating=1.45, HasteRating=0.89, MasteryRating=2, IsPolearm=-1000000, Intellect=2.29, Spirit=1.755, Is2HAxe=-1000000, IsRelic=-1000000, IsShield=-1000000, IsSword=-1000000, IsMail=-1000000, IsLeather=-1000000, IsPlate=-1000000, HitRating=0.01, Stamina=0.256, SpellPower=0.9, IsAxe=-1000000, Is2HSword=-1000000, GemQualityLevel=81 )

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