Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Level 4 Cataclysm Hunter Pawn Scale

Here is the basic pawn scale I'm starting off with for my level 4 night elf hunter.

( Pawn: v1: "Basic Hunter": RangedDps=1, CritRating=1, Agility=1, HasteRating=1, MasteryRating=1, IsMail=-1000000, IsPlate=-1000000, IsGun=1, ExpertiseRating=1, MeleeDps=1, IsBow=1, IsCrossbow=1, Dps=1, Strength=1, ParryRating=1, DodgeRating=1, HitRating=1, Stamina=1, Armor=1, IsShield=-1000000, Ap=1 )

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