Note: This needs to be run per database.
create proc dbo.sp_CodeSmells as ;WITH TableSmells (TableName, Problem, Object_ID )AS ( SELECT object_schema_name(Object_ID)+'.'+object_name(Object_ID), Problem,Object_ID FROM ( SELECT object_id, 'wide (more than 15 columns)' FROM sys.tables /* see whether the table has more than 15 columns */ WHERE max_column_id_used>15 UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT sys.tables.object_id, 'heap' FROM sys.indexes/* see whether the table is a heap */ INNER JOIN sys.tables ON sys.tables.object_id=sys.indexes.object_id WHERE sys.indexes.type=0 UNION ALL SELECT sys.tables.object_id, 'No primary key' FROM sys.tables/* see whether the table has a primary key */ WHERE objectproperty(object_id,'TableHasPrimaryKey') = 0 UNION ALL SELECT sys.tables.object_id, 'No index at all' FROM sys.tables /* see whether the table has any index */ WHERE objectproperty(object_id,'TableHasIndex') = 0 UNION ALL SELECT sys.tables.object_id, 'No candidate key' FROM sys.tables/* if no unique constraint then it isn't relational */ WHERE objectproperty(object_id,'TableHasUniqueCnst') = 0 AND objectproperty(object_id,'TableHasPrimaryKey') = 0 UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT object_id, 'disabled Index(es)' FROM sys.indexes /* don't leave these lying around */ WHERE is_disabled=1 UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT parent_object_id, 'disabled constraint(s)' FROM sys.check_constraints /* hmm. i wonder why */ WHERE is_disabled=1 UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT parent_object_id, 'untrusted constraint(s)' FROM sys.check_constraints /* ETL gone bad? */ WHERE is_not_trusted=1 UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT parent_object_id, 'disabled FK' FROM sys.foreign_keys /* build script gone bad? */ WHERE is_disabled=1 UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT parent_object_id, 'untrusted FK' FROM sys.foreign_keys /* Why do you have untrusted FKs? Constraint was enabled without checking existing rows; therefore, the constraint may not hold for all rows. */ WHERE is_not_trusted=1 UNION ALL /* SELECT sys.tables.object_id, 'unrelated to any other table' FROM sys.tables LEFT OUTER join (SELECT referenced_object_id AS table_ID FROM sys.foreign_keys UNION ALL SELECT parent_object_id FROM sys.foreign_keys )referenced(table_ID) ON referenced.table_ID=sys.Tables.object_ID WHERE referenced.table_id IS null*/ SELECT sys.tables.object_id, 'unrelated to any other table' FROM sys.tables /* found a simpler way! */ WHERE objectpropertyex(object_id,'TableHasForeignKey')=0 AND objectpropertyex(object_id,'TableHasForeignRef')=0 UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT object_id, 'unintelligible column names' FROM sys.columns /* column names with no letters in them */ WHERE name COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI NOT LIKE '%[A-Z]%' COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT object_id, 'non-compliant column names' FROM sys.columns /* column names that need delimiters*/ WHERE name COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI LIKE '%[^_@$#A-Z0-9]%' COLLATE Latin1_general_CI_AI UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT parent_id, 'has a disabled trigger' FROM sys.triggers WHERE is_disabled=1 AND parent_id>0 UNION ALL SELECT sys.tables.object_id, 'can''t be indexed' FROM sys.tables/* see whether the table has a primary key */ WHERE objectproperty(object_id,'IsIndexable') = 0 )f(Object_ID,Problem) ) SELECT TableName, CASE WHEN count(*)>1 THEN /*only do correlated subquery when necessary*/ stuff(( SELECT ', '+Problem FROM TableSmells t2 WHERE t1.TableName = t2.TableName ORDER BY Problem FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value(N'(./text())[1]',N'varchar(8000)'),1,2,'') ELSE max(Problem) END FROM TableSmells t1 WHERE OBJECTPROPERTYEX(t1.Object_ID, 'IsTable')=1 GROUP BY TableName;
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