Monday, June 24, 2013

LightPhoenix comments on What causes the electric field that emanates from all animals?

LightPhoenix comments on What causes the electric field that emanates from all animals?:

Well said!
since neuron communication depends upon a precise control of electrical charges inside vs outside the cell, across the entire length of the neuron
I just want to clarify here because I know a lot of people in general don't get the distinction. Neurons are not like wires - they don't transmit electrons and they don't transmit electrical current. Neurons control ion concentrations (sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride), and thus are really controlling electrochemical potential. The gates and pumps that controls these are based on membrane potential, but propagate because of, essentially, ion concentrations changing along the length of the neuron.
Furthermore, neurons don't typically interface with each other directly. Inter-neuron communication is almost entirely chemical (via neurotransmitters).

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