Monday, December 27, 2010

VLC Media Player : Bad Coding

Hole-eeee crap. After reading so many positive comments on how the vlc media player works so well, I decided to try it.

Conclusion: what a piece of buggy crap. Constant and inconsistent crash to desktops with no explanation.

Do 'programmers' or UI designers ever use these things they write? I can find bad designs everywhere.. why is it so hard for other people to write something that just works?

(Heh. Even the spell checker on needs fixed.)

Come on guys, spend a few minutes thinking. Then code some quality. Instead of writing:

function double Do(int a){
   var b = a * a;
   return a / ( b - b );

How about adding the tiniest bit of error checking?

function double Do(int a){
   var b = a * a;
   var c = b - b;
   if ( c == 0 ) { return 0; }
   return a / c;

Your future 'programmers' still won't have much clue what you were trying to accomplish
(because you never write useful comments)
/*that'd take too much time*/
But at least it should not crash with a divide-by-zero like exception.

Seriously. You're making us look bad. :/

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