Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Making Cars Noisier


How stupid.


The companies (i.e. government transportation) looking to profit from this new asinine law argue that it will help saves lives.
The lives of those morons crossing the street without looking.
And those of blind people.

Blind people?

What blind person blindly crosses the street?
Every blind person I've known has been smarter than to just walk across the street because they "don't hear a vehicle".

How many morons do I see every week walking out of Walmart into the parking lot without looking or even paying attention to oncoming cars?

Countless numbers.

The sheer ignorance of these people makes one want to cry for their lives.
To shout at them "hello!? don't you see these two tons of steel bearing down at you?".
But shouting does't help.. and neither does the horn.
You know why?
Because they are so self absorbed into their music  player and/or their pointless cell phone conversation.

"Oh, if someone hits me with their car, I'll just sue them."
I imagine that's what they think.

Litigous Moron. Could have just looked and smiled at your fellow human and saved your limbs.. your child's parent.

Anyways, where was I?

Oh yah..

Doesn't it make a LOT more freakin' sense to make all the cars quieter?
Maybe we could hear the tire noise then..

Or you could be smart and look both ways. Twice.
Like we learned back in elementary school.
Like our parents taught us.

God, I love my parents.

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