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ContentsArticlesAtom 1Atomic nucleus 5Boson 11Electric charge 11Electron 13Elementary particle 15Fermion 18Googolplex 19Hadron 19Lepton 20Neutron 21Nucleus (physics) 22Proton 22Quark 23Universe 25Up quark 34ReferencesArticle Sources and Contributors 35Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 36Article LicensesLicense 37Atom 1AtomAtomLithium atom modelShowing nucleus with four neutrons(blue),three protons (red) and,orbited by three electrons (black).ClassificationSmallest recognised division of a chemical elementPropertiesMass: 1.66 x 10(−27) to 4.52 x 10(−25) kgElectric charge: zeroAn atom is the basic unit that makes up all matter. There are many different types of atoms, each with its own name,mass and size. These different types of atoms are called chemical elements. Examples of elements are hydrogen andgold. Atoms are very small, but the exact size changes depending on the element. Atoms range from 0.1 to 0.5nanometers in width.[1] One nanometer is around 100,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair.[2] Thismakes atoms impossible to see without special tools. Equations must be used to see the way they work and how theyinteract with other atoms.Atoms come together to make molecules or particles: for example, two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atomcombine to make a water molecule, a form of a chemical reaction.Atoms themselves are made up of three kinds of smaller particles, called protons, neutrons and electrons. Theprotons and neutrons are in the middle of the atom. They are called the nucleus. The nucleus is surrounded by acloud of electrons with a negative charge which are bound to the nucleus by an electromagnetic force.Protons and neutrons are made up of even smaller particles called quarks. Electrons are elementary or fundamentalparticles; they cannot be split into smaller parts.The number of protons, neutrons and electrons an atom has determines what element it is. Hydrogen, for example,has one proton, no neutrons and one electron; the element sulfur has 16 protons, 16 neutrons and 16 electrons.Atoms move faster when in gas form (as they are free to move) than liquid and solid matter. In solid materials theatoms are tightly next to each other so they vibrate [3], but are not able to move (there is no room) as atoms in liquidsdo.Atom 2HistoryThe word "atom" comes from the Greek ἀτόμος, indivisible [4], from ἀ-, not, and τόμος, a cut. The first historicalmention of the word atom came from works by the Greek philosopher Democritus, around 400 BC.[5] Atomic theorystayed as a mostly philosophical subject, with not much actual scientific investigation or study, until thedevelopment of chemistry in the 1600s.In 1777 French chemist Antoine Lavoisier defined the term element for the first time. He said that an element wasany basic substance that could not be broken down into other substances by the methods of chemistry. Any substancethat could be broken down was a compound.[]In 1803, English philosopher John Dalton suggested that elements were tiny, solid spheres made of atoms. Daltonbelieved that all atoms of the same element have the same mass. He said that compounds are formed when atoms ofmore than one element combine. According to Dalton, in a compound, atoms of different elements always combinethe same way.In 1827, British scientist Robert Brown looked at pollen grains in water and used Dalton's atomic theory to describepatterns in the way they moved. This was called Brownian Motion. In 1905 Albert Einstein used mathematics toprove that the seemingly random movements were down to the reactions of atoms, and by doing so he conclusivelyproved the existence of the atom.[6] In 1869 scientist Dmitri Mendeleev published the first version of the periodictable. The periodic table groups atoms by their atomic number (how many protons they have. This is usually thesame as the number of electrons). Elements in the same column, or period, usually have similar properties. Forexample helium, neon, argon, krypton and xenon are all in the same column and have very similar properties. Allthese elements are gases that have no colour and no smell. Together they are known as the noble gases.[]The physicist J.J. Thomson was the first man to discover electrons. This happened while he was working withcathode rays in 1897. He realized they had a negative charge, unlike protons (positive) and neutrons (no charge).Thomson created the plum pudding model, which stated that an atom was like plum pudding: the dried fruit(electrons) were stuck in a mass of pudding (protons). In 1909, a scientist named Ernest Rutherford used theGeiger–Marsden experiment to prove that most of an atom is in a very small space called the atomic nucleus.Rutherford took a photo plate and surrounded it with gold foil, and then shot alpha particles at it. Many of theparticles went through the gold foil, which proved that atoms are mostly empty space. Electrons are so small theymake up only 1% of an atom's mass.[7]Ernest Rutherford in 1910, shortly beforehe won the Nobel Prize for physics.In 1913, Niels Bohr introduced the Bohr model. This model showed thatelectrons orbit the nucleus in fixed circular orbits. This was more accuratethan the Rutherford model. However, it was still not completely right.Improvements to the Bohr model have been made since it was firstintroduced.In 1925, chemist Frederick Soddy found that some elements in the periodictable had more than one kind of atom.[8] For example any atom with 2protons should be a helium atom. Usually, a helium nucleus also contains twoneutrons. However, some helium atoms have only one neutron. This meansthey are still helium, as the element is defined by the number of protons, butthey are not normal helium either. Soddy called an atom like this, with adifferent number of neutrons, an isotope. To get the name of the isotope welook at how many protons and neutrons it has in its nucleus and add this to thename of the element. So a helium atom with two protons and one neutron iscalled helium-3, and a carbon atom with six protons and six neutrons is calledAtom 3carbon-12. However, when he developed his theory Soddy could not be certain neutrons actually existed. To provethey were real, physicist James Chadwick and a team of others created the mass spectrometer.[9] The massspectrometer actually measures the mass and weight of individual atoms. By doing this Chadwick proved that toaccount for all the weight of the atom, neutrons must exist.In 1937, German chemist Otto Hahn became the first person to create nuclear fission in a laboratory. He discoveredthis by chance when he was shooting neutrons at a uranium atom, hoping to create a new isotope.[10] However, henoticed that instead of a new isotope the uranium simply changed into a barium atom. This was the world's firstrecorded nuclear fission reaction. This discovery eventually led to the creation of the atomic bomb.Further into the 20th century physicists went deeper into the mysteries of the atom. Using particle accelerators theydiscovered that protons and neutrons were actually made of other particles, called quarks.The most accurate model so far comes from the Schrödinger equation. Schrödinger realized that the electrons exist ina cloud around the nucleus, called the electron cloud. In the electron cloud, it is impossible to know exactly whereelectrons are. The Schrödinger equation is used to find out where an electron is likely to be. This area is called theelectron's orbital.Structure and partsPartsThe complex atom is made up of three main particles; the proton, the neutron and the electron. The isotope ofHydrogen Hydrogen-1 has no neutrons, and a positive hydrogen ion has no electrons. These are the only knownexceptions, all other atoms have at least one proton, neutron and electron each.Electrons are by far the smallest of the three, their mass and size is too small to be measured using currenttechnology.[] They have a negative charge. Protons and neutrons are similar sizes[] Protons are positively chargedand neutrons have no charge. Most atoms have a neutral charge; because the number of protons (positive) andelectrons (negative) are the same, the charges balance out to zero. However in ions (different number of electrons)this is not always the case and they can have a positive or a negative charge. Protons and Neutrons are made out ofquarks, of two types; up quarks and down quarks. A proton is made of two up quarks and one down quark and aneutron is made of two down quarks and one up quark.NucleusThe nucleus is in the middle of an atom. It is made up of protons and neutrons. Usually in nature, two things with thesame charge repel or shoot away from each other. So for a long time it was a mystery to scientists how the positivelycharged protons in the nucleus stayed together. They solved this by finding a particle called a Gluon. Its name comesfrom the word glue as Gluons act like atomic glue, sticking the protons together using the strong nuclear force. It isthis force which also holds the quarks together that make up the protons and neutrons.Atom 4A diagram showing the main difficulty in nuclear fusion, the fact thatprotons, which have positive charges, repel each other when forcedtogether.The number of neutrons in relation to protons defineswhether the nucleus is stable or goes throughradioactive decay. When there are too many neutrons orprotons, the atom tries to make the numbers the sameby getting rid of the extra particles. It does this byemitting radiation in the form of alpha, beta or gammadecay.[11] Nuclei can change through other means too.Nuclear fission is when the Nucleus splits into twosmaller nuclei, releasing a lot of stored energy. Thisrelease energy is what makes nuclear fission useful formaking bombs and electricity, in the form of nuclearpower. The other way nuclei can change is through nuclear fusion, when two nuclei join together, or fuse, to make aheavier nucleus. This process requires extreme amounts of energy in order to overcome the electrostatic repulsionbetween the protons, as they have the same charge. Such high energies are most common in stars like our Sun, whichfuses hydrogen for fuel.ElectronsElectrons orbit or go around the nucleus. They are called the atom's electron cloud. They are attracted towards thenucleus because of the electromagnetic force. Electrons have a negative charge and the nucleus always has a positivecharge, so they attract each other. Around the nucleus some electrons are further out than others. These are calledelectron shells. In most atoms the first shell has two electrons, and all after that have eight. Exceptions are rare, butthey do happen and are difficult to predict.[12] The further away the electron is from the nucleus, the weaker the pullof the nucleus on it. This is why bigger atoms, with more electrons, react more easily with other atoms. Theelectromagnetism of the nucleus is not enough to hold onto their electrons and they lose them to the strong attractionof smaller atoms [13]Radioactive decaySome elements, and many isotopes, have what is called an unstable nucleus. This means the nucleus is either too bigto hold itself together[] or has too many protons, electrons or neutrons. When this happens the nucleus has to get ridof the excess mass or particles. It does this through radiation. An atom that does this can be called radioactive.Unstable atoms continue to be radioactive until they lose enough mass/particles that they become stable. All atomsabove atomic number 82 (82 protons) are radioactive.[]There are three main types of radioactive decay; alpha, beta and gamma.[14]• Alpha decay is when the atom shoots out a particle having two protons and two neutrons. This is essentially ahelium nucleus. The result is an element with atomic number two less than before. So for example if a berylliumatom (atomic number 4) went through alpha decay it would become helium (atomic number 2). Alpha decayhappens when an atom is too big and needs to get rid of some mass.• Beta decay is when a neutron turns into a proton or a proton turns into a neutron. In the first case the atom shootsout an electron, in the second case it is a positron (like an electron but with a positive charge). The end result is anelement with one higher or one lower atomic number than before. Beta decay happens when an atom has eithertoo many protons, or too many neutrons.• Gamma decay is when an atom shoots out a gamma ray, or wave. It happens when there is a change in the energyof the nucleus. This is usually after a nucleus has already gone through alpha or beta decay. There is no change inthe mass, or atomic number or the atom, only in the stored energy inside the nucleus.Atom 5Every radioactive element or isotope has something called a half life. This is how long it takes half of any sample ofatoms of that type to decay until they become a different stable isotope or element.[15] Large atoms, or isotopes witha big difference between the number of protons and neutrons will therefore have a long half life.References[3][4] in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonOther websites• General information on atomic structure (• Atomic structure timeline ( nucleusThe nucleus of an atom is the very small dense part of an atom, in its center made up of nucleons (protons andneutrons). The size (diameter) of the nucleus is between 1.6 fm (10-15 m) (for a proton in light hydrogen) to about 15fm (for the heaviest atoms, such as uranium). These sizes are much smaller than the size of the atom itself by a factorof about 23,000 (uranium) to about 145,000 (hydrogen). Almost all of the mass in an atom is made up from theprotons and neutrons in the nucleus with a very small contribution from the orbiting electrons. The word nucleus isfrom 1704, meaning “kernel of a nut”. In 1844, Michael Faraday used nucleus to describe the “central point of anatom”. The modern atomic meaning was proposed by Ernest Rutherford in 1912.[1] The use of the word nucleus inatomic theory, however, did not happen immediately. In 1916, for example, Gilbert N. Lewis wrote, in his famousarticle The Atom and the Molecule [2], that “the atom is composed of the kernel and an outer atom or shell”.Atomic nucleus 6A drawing of the helium atom. In the nucleus, the protons are in red and neutronsare in purple.IntroductionNuclear makeupThe nucleus of an atom is made up ofprotons and neutrons (two types of baryons)joined by the nuclear force. These baryonsare further made up of sub-atomicfundamental particles known as quarksjoined by the strong interaction.Isotopes and nuclidesThe isotope of an atom is based on thenumber of neutrons in the nucleus. Differentisotopes of the same element have verysimilar chemical properties. Differentisotopes in a sample of a chemical can beseparated by using a centrifuge or by using amass spectrometer. The first method is usedin producing enriched uranium from regularuranium, and the second is used in carbondating.The number of protons and neutrons together determine the nuclide (type of nucleus). Protons and neutrons havenearly equal masses, and their combined number, the mass number, is about equal to the atomic mass of an atom.The combined mass of the electrons is very small when compared to the mass of the nucleus; protons and neutronsweigh about 2000 times more than electrons.HistoryThe discovery of the electron by J. J. Thomson was the first sign that the atom had internal structure. At the turn ofthe 20th century the accepted model of the atom was J. J. Thomson's "plum pudding" model in which the atom was alarge positively charged ball with small negatively charged electrons embedded inside of it. By the turn of thecentury physicists had also discovered three types of radiation coming from atoms, which they named alpha, beta,and gamma radiation. Experiments in 1911 by Lise Meitner and Otto Hahn, and by James Chadwick in 1914discovered that the beta decay spectrum was continuous rather than discrete. That is, electrons were ejected from theatom with a range of energies, rather than the discrete amounts of energies that were observed in gamma and alphadecays. This was a problem for nuclear physics at the time, because it indicated that energy was not conserved inthese decays. The problem would later lead to the discovery of the neutrino (see below).In 1906 Ernest Rutherford published "Radiation of the α Particle from Radium in passing through Matter"[3]. Geigerexpanded on this work in a communication to the Royal Society[4] with experiments he and Rutherford had donepassing α particles through air, aluminum foil and gold foil. More work was published in 1909 by Geiger andMarsden[5] and further greatly expanded work was published in 1910 by Geiger,[6] In 1911-2 Rutherford went beforethe Royal Society to explain the experiments and propound the new theory of the atomic nucleus as we nowunderstand it.Atomic nucleus 7Around the same time that this was happening (1909) Ernest Rutherford performed a remarkable experiment inwhich Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden under his supervision fired alpha particles (helium nuclei) at a thin film ofgold foil. The plum pudding model predicted that the alpha particles should come out of the foil with theirtrajectories being at most slightly bent. He was shocked to discover that a few particles were scattered through largeangles, even completely backwards in some cases. The discovery, beginning with Rutherford's analysis of the data in1911, eventually led to the Rutherford model of the atom, in which the atom has a very small, very dense nucleusconsisting of heavy positively charged particles with embedded electrons in order to balance out the charge. As anexample, in this model nitrogen-14 consisted of a nucleus with 14 protons and 7 electrons, and the nucleus wassurrounded by 7 more orbiting electrons.The Rutherford model worked quite well until studies of nuclear spin were carried out by Franco Rasetti at theCalifornia Institute of Technology in 1929. By 1925 it was known that protons and electrons had a spin of 1/2, and inthe Rutherford model of nitrogen-14 the 14 protons and six of the electrons should have paired up to cancel eachothers spin, and the final electron should have left the nucleus with a spin of 1/2. Rasetti discovered, however, thatnitrogen-14 has a spin of one.In 1930 Wolfgang Pauli was unable to attend a meeting in Tübingen, and instead sent a famous letter with the classicintroduction "Dear Radioactive Ladies and Gentlemen". In his letter Pauli suggested that perhaps there was a thirdparticle in the nucleus which he named the "neutron". He suggested that it was very light (lighter than an electron),had no charge, and that it did not readily interact with matter (which is why it had not yet been detected). Thisdesperate way out solved both the problem of energy conservation and the spin of nitrogen-14, the first becausePauli's "neutron" was carrying away the extra energy and the second because an extra "neutron" paired off with theelectron in the nitrogen-14 nucleus giving it spin one. Pauli's "neutron" was renamed the neutrino (Italian for littleneutral one) by Enrico Fermi in 1931, and after about thirty years it was finally demonstrated that a neutrino really isemitted during beta decay.In 1932 Chadwick realized that radiation that had been observed by Walther Bothe, Herbert L. Becker, Irène andFrédéric Joliot-Curie was actually due to a massive particle that he called the neutron. In the same year DmitriIvanenko suggested that neutrons were in fact spin 1/2 particles and that the nucleus contained neutrons and thatthere were no electrons in it, and Francis Perrin suggested that neutrinos were not nuclear particles but were createdduring beta decay. To cap the year off, Fermi submitted a theory of the neutrino to Nature (which the editors rejectedfor being "too remote from reality"). Fermi continued working on his theory and published a paper in 1934 whichplaced the neutrino on solid theoretical footing. In the same year Hideki Yukawa proposed the first significant theoryof the strong force to explain how the nucleus holds together.With Fermi and Yukawa's papers the modern model of the atom was complete. The center of the atom contains atight ball of neutrons and protons, which is held together by the strong nuclear force. Unstable nuclei may undergoalpha decay, in which they emit an energetic helium nucleus, or beta decay, in which they eject an electron (orpositron). After one of these decays the resultant nucleus may be left in an excited state, and in this case it decays toits ground state by emitting high energy photons (gamma decay).The study of the strong and weak nuclear forces led physicists to collide nuclei and electrons at ever higher energies.This research became the science of particle physics, the most important of which is the standard model of particlephysics which unifies the strong, weak, and electromagnetic forces.Modern nuclear physicsA light nucleus can contain hundreds of nucleons which means that with some approximation it can be treated as aclassical system, rather than a quantum-mechanical one. In the resulting liquid-drop model, the nucleus has anenergy which arises partly from surface tension and partly from electrical repulsion of the protons. The liquid-dropmodel is able to reproduce many features of nuclei, including the general trend of binding energy with respect tomass number, as well as the phenomenon of nuclear fission.Atomic nucleus 8Superimposed on this classical picture, however, are quantum-mechanical effects, which can be described using thenuclear shell model, developed in large part by Maria Goeppert-Mayer. Nuclei with certain numbers of neutrons andprotons (the magic numbers 2, 8, 20, 50, 82, 126, ...) are particularly stable, because their shells are filled.Much of current research in nuclear physics relates to the study of nuclei under extreme conditions such as high spinand excitation energy. Nuclei may also have extreme shapes (similar to that of American footballs) or extremeneutron-to-proton ratios. Experimenters can create such nuclei using artificially induced fusion or nucleon transferreactions, employing ion beams from an accelerator. Beams with even higher energies can be used to create nuclei atvery high temperatures, and there are signs that these experiments have produced a phase transition from normalnuclear matter to a new state, the quark-gluon plasma, in which the quarks mingle with one another, rather thanbeing segregated in triplets as they are in neutrons and protons.Modern topics in nuclear physicsSpontaneous changes from one nuclide to another: nuclear decayIf a nucleus has too few or too many neutrons it may be unstable, and will decay after some period of time. Forexample, nitrogen-16 atoms (7 protons, 9 neutrons) beta decay to oxygen-16 atoms (8 protons, 8 neutrons) within afew seconds of being created. In this decay a neutron in the nitrogen nucleus is turned into a proton and an electronby the weak nuclear force. The element of the atom changes because while it previously had seven protons (whichmakes it nitrogen) it now has eight (which makes it oxygen). Many elements have multiple isotopes which are stablefor weeks, years, or even billions of years.Nuclear fusionWhen two light nuclei come into very close contact with each other it is possible for the strong force to fuse the twotogether. It takes a great deal of energy to push the nuclei close enough together for the strong force to have aneffect, so the process of nuclear fusion can only take place at very high temperatures or high densities. Once thenuclei are close enough together the strong force overcomes their electromagnetic repulsion and squishes them into anew nucleus. A very large amount of energy is released when light nuclei fuse together because the binding energyper nucleon increases with mass number up until nickel-62. Stars like our sun are powered by the fusion of fourprotons into a helium nucleus, two positrons, and two neutrinos. The uncontrolled fusion of hydrogen into helium isknown as thermonuclear runaway. Research to find an economically viable method of using energy from acontrolled fusion reaction is currently being undertaken by various research establishments (see JET and ITER).Nuclear fissionFor nuclei heavier than nickel-62 the binding energy per nucleon decreases with the mass number. It is thereforepossible for energy to be released if a heavy nucleus breaks apart into two lighter ones. This splitting of atoms isknown as nuclear fission.The process of alpha decay may be thought of as a special type of spontaneous nuclear fission. This processproduces a highly asymmetrical fission because the four particles which make up the alpha particle are especiallytightly bound to each other, making production of this nucleus in fission particularly likely.For certain of the heaviest nuclei which produce neutrons on fission, and which also easily absorb neutrons to initiatefission, a self-igniting type of neutron-initiated fission can be obtained, in a so-called chain reaction. [Chain reactionswere known in chemistry before physics, and in fact many familiar processes like fires and chemical explosions arechemical chain reactions]. The fission or "nuclear" chain-reaction, using fission-produced neutrons, is the source ofenergy for nuclear power plants and fission type nuclear bombs such as the two that the United States used againstHiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War II. Heavy nuclei such as uranium and thorium may undergospontaneous fission, but they are much more likely to undergo decay by alpha decay.Atomic nucleus 9For a neutron-initiated chain-reaction to occur, there must be a critical mass of the element present in a certain spaceunder certain conditions (these conditions slow and conserve neutrons for the reactions). There is one knownexample of a natural nuclear fission reactor, which was active in two regions of Oklo, Gabon, Africa, over 1.5 billionyears ago. Measurements of natural neutrino emission have demonstrated that around half of the heat emanatingfrom the earth's core results from radioactive decay. However, it is not known if any of this results from fissionchain-reactions.Production of heavy elementsAs the Universe cooled after the big bang it eventually became possible for particles as we know them to exist. Themost common particles created in the big bang which are still easily observable to us today were protons (hydrogen)and electrons (in equal numbers). Some heavier elements were created as the protons collided with each other, butmost of the heavy elements we see today were created inside of stars during a series of fusion stages, such as theproton-proton chain, the CNO cycle and the triple-alpha process. Progressively heavier elements are made during theevolution of a star. Since the binding energy per nucleon peaks around iron, energy is only released in fusionprocesses occurring below this point. Since the creation of heavier nuclei by fusion costs energy, nature resorts to theprocess of neutron capture. Neutrons (due to their lack of charge) are readily absorbed by a nucleus. The heavyelements are created by either a slow neutron capture process (the so-called s process) or by the rapid, or r process.The s process occurs in thermally pulsing stars (called AGB, or asymptotic giant branch stars) and takes hundreds tothousands of years to reach the heaviest elements of lead and bismuth. The r process is thought to occur in supernovaexplosions because the conditions of high temperature, high neutron flux and ejected matter are present. These stellarconditions make the successive neutron captures very fast, involving very neutron-rich species which thenbeta-decay to heavier elements, especially at the so-called waiting points that correspond to more stable nuclideswith closed neutron shells (magic numbers). The r process duration is typically in the range of a few seconds.Related pages• List of particles• Radioactivity• Nuclear fusion• Nuclear fission• Nuclear medicine• Nuclear physics• Atomic number• Atomic mass• Isotope• Liquid drop model• Semi-empirical mass formulaAtomic nucleus 10References[1] Nucleus – Online Etymology Dictionary ([2][3] Philosophical Magazine (12, p 134-46)[4] Proc. Roy. Soc. July 17, 1908[5] Proc. Roy. Soc. A82 p 495-500[6] Proc. Roy. Soc. Feb. 1, 1910Other websites• The Nucleus - a chapter from an online textbook (• - Study of the NUCLEAR STRUCTURE by R. Kolessin ( in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonTemplate:Nuclear TechnologyBoson 11BosonA boson is a particle which has a whole number spin ('spin' is a quality assigned to subatomic particles).A photon is an example of a boson as it has a spin of 1.Bosons are different from Fermions, which are particles that make up matter, because they obey Bose-Einsteinstatistics. (This means that you can put two of them in the same place at the same time)."Gauge bosons" carry forces. There are three known gauge bosons which are fundamental particles. For example, thephoton carries the electromagnetic force. The four gauge bosons are as follows: photons for electromagnetism,gluons for strong force, and W and Z bosons for weak force. Other theoretical gauge bosons are predicted, such asgravitons for gravity. The Higgs boson is another fundamental particle of a type called a scalar boson.Paul Dirac named this class of particles "bosons" in honor of a famous scientist called Satyendra Nath Bose.Particles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonElectric chargeElectromagnetismElectricity · MagnetismElectric charge is a basic property of electrons, protons and other subatomic particles. Electrons are negativelycharged while protons are positively charged. Things that are negatively charged and things that are positivelycharged pull on (attract) each other. This makes electrons and protons stick together to form atoms. Things that havethe same charge push each other away (they repel each other). This is called the Law of Charges. It was discoveredby Charles Augustin de Coulomb. The law that describes how strongly charges pull and push on each other is calledCoulomb's Law.Things that have equal numbers of electrons and protons are neutral. Things that have more electrons than protonsare negatively charged, while things with fewer electrons than protons are positively charged. Things with the samecharge repel each other. Things that have different charges attract each other. If possible, the one with too manyelectrons will give enough electrons to match the number of protons in the one that has too many protons for its loadElectric charge 12of electrons. If there are just enough electrons to match the extra protons, then the two things will not attract eachother anymore. When electrons move from a place where there are too many to a place where there are too few, thattransfer makes an electrical current.When a person shuffles his feet on a carpet and then touches a brass doorknob, he or she may get an electrical shock.If there are enough extra electrons then the force with which those electrons push each other away may be enough tomake some of the electrons jump across a gap between the person and the doorknob. The length of the spark is ameasure of voltage or "electrical pressure." The number of electrons that move from one place to another per unit oftime measured as amperage or "rate of electron flow."If a person gets a positive or negative charge, it may make the person's hairs stand up because the charges in eachhair push it away from the others.Electric charge felt when one gets a shock from a doorknob or other object usually is between 25 thousand and 30thousand volts. However the amperage involved is incredibly low so the flow of electrons through the person's bodycan not cause physical harm. On the other hand, when clouds accumulate electrical charges they have even highervoltages and the amperage (the number of electrons that will flow in the lightning strike) can be very high. Thatmeans that electrons can jump from a cloud to the earth (or from the earth to a cloud), and if those electrons gothrough a person then that person will be burned and may die.Historical experimentElectric charge is the fundamental properties of sub atomic particles, that provides an electric field between them.Let a piece of glass and a piece of resin–neither of which exhibits any electrical properties–be rubbed together andleft with the rubbed surfaces in contact. They will still exhibit no electrical properties. Let them be separated. Theywill now attract each other.If a second piece of glass is rubbed with a second piece of resin, and if the pieces be then separated and suspended inthe neighborhood of the former pieces of glass and resin, it may be observed:1) that the two pieces of glass repel each other.2) that each piece of glass attracts each piece of resin.3) that the two pieces of resin repel each other.These phenomena of attraction and repulsion are called Electrical phenomena and the bodies which exhibit them aresaid to be 'electrified', or to be 'charged with electricity'.Besides being electrified by friction, bodies may be electrified in many other ways.When two substances are rubbed together and an electrical charge is produced, one of them will give electrons to theother. The reason is that the atoms in the two substances have unequal power to attract electrons. So the one that ismore able to attract electrons will rob electrons from the one that has a lower attractive force. In one pair ofsubstances rubbed together, the one made of glass may either give or take electrons. What happens depends on thenature of the other member of that pair.If a body electrified in any manner whatever behaves as the glass does when rubbed with resin, that is, if it repels theglass and attract the resin, the body is said to be 'vitreously' electrified, and if it attracts the glass and repels the resinit is said to be 'resinously' electrified. All electrified bodies are found to be either vitreously or resinouslyelectrified.[source?]It is the established practice of men of science to call the vitreous electrification positive, and the resinouselectrification negative. The exactly opposite properties of the two kinds of electrification justify us in indicatingthem by opposite signs but the application of the positive sign to one rather than to the other kind must considered asa matter of arbitrary (random choice) convention (agreement), just as it is a matter of convention in mathematicaldiagrams to reckon positive distance towards the right hand.Electric charge 13No force, either of attraction or of repulsion (the opposite of attraction), can be observed between an electrified bodyand a body not electrified.The above experiment is described by James Clerk Maxwell in his magnum opus (great work) A Treatise onElectricity and Magnetism.ElectronAn electron is a very small piece of matter and energy. Its symbol is e−.The electron is a subatomic particle. It is believed to be an elementary particle because it cannot be broken down intoanything smaller.[1] It is negatively charged,[2] and may move almost at the speed of light.[3]Electrons take part in gravitational, electromagnetic and weak interactions.[4] The electricity that powers radios,motors, and many other things consists of many electrons moving through wires or other conductors.DescriptionThe Niels Bohr model of the atom. Three electronshells about a nucleus, with an electron movingfrom the second to the first level and releasing aphoton.Electrons have the smallest electrical charge. This electrical chargeequals the charge of a proton, but has the opposite sign. For thisreason, electrons are attracted by the protons of atomic nuclei andusually form atoms. An electron has a mass of about 1/1836 times aproton.[] One way to think about the location of electrons in an atom isto imagine that they orbit at fixed distances from the nucleus. Thisway, electrons in an atom exist in a number of electron shellssurrounding the central nucleus. Each electron shell is given a number1, 2, 3, and so on, starting from the one closest to the nucleus (theinnermost shell). Each shell can hold up to a certain maximum numberof electrons. The distribution of electrons in the various shells is calledelectronic arrangement (or electronic form or shape). Electronicarrangement can be shown by numbering or an electron diagram. (Adifferent way to think about the location of electrons is to use quantummechanics to calculate their atomic orbitals.)The electron is one of a class of subatomic particles called leptons. The electron has a negative electric charge. Theelectron has another property, called spin. Its spin value is 1/2, which makes it a fermion.While most electrons are found in atoms, others move independently in matter, or together as cathode rays in avacuum. In some superconductors, electrons move in pairs. When electrons flow, this flow is called electricity, or anelectric current.An object can be described as 'negatively charged' if there are more electrons than protons in an object, or 'positivelycharged' when there are more protons than electrons. Electrons can move from one object to another when touched.They may be attracted to another object with opposite charge, or repelled when they both have the same charge.When an object is 'grounded', electrons from the charged object go into the ground, making the object neutral. This iswhat lightning conductors do.Electron 14Chemical reactionsElectrons in their shells round an atom are the basis of chemical reactions. Complete outer shells, with maximumelectrons, are less reactive. Outer shells with less than maximum electrons are reactive. The number of electrons inatoms is the underlying basis of the chemical periodic table.[5]MeasurementElectric charge can be directly measured with a device called an electrometer. Electric current can be directlymeasured with a galvanometer. The measurement given off by a galvanometer is different from the measurementgiven off by an electrometer. Today laboratory instruments are capable of containing and observing individualelectrons.'Seeing' an electronIn laboratory conditions, the interactions of individual electrons can be observed by means of particle detectors,which allow measurement of specific properties such as energy, spin and charge.[6] In one instance a Penning trapwas used to contain a single electron for 10 months.[] The magnetic moment of the electron was measured to aprecision of eleven digits, which, in 1980, was a greater accuracy than for any other physical constant.[7]The first video images of an electron's energy distribution were captured by a team at Lund University in Sweden,February 2008. The scientists used extremely short flashes of light, called attosecond pulses, which allowed anelectron's motion to be observed for the first time.[8][] The distribution of the electrons in solid materials can also bevisualized.[9]Anti-particleThe antiparticle of the electron is called a positron. This is identical to the electron, but carries electrical and othercharges of the opposite sign. When an electron collides with a positron, they may scatter off each other or be totallyannihilated, producing a pair (or more) of gamma ray photons.History of its discoveryThe effects of electrons were known long before it could be explained. The Ancient Greeks knew that rubbing amberagainst fur attracted small objects. Now we know the rubbing strips off electrons, and that gives an electric charge tothe amber. Many physicists worked on the electron. J.J. Thomson proved it existed,[10] in 1897, but another mangave it the name 'electron'.[11]Other pages• Proton• NeutronReferences[1] Purcell, Edward M. 1985. Electricity and Magnetism. Berkeley Physics Course Volume 2. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-004908-4.[3] For instance, as beta particles, and in the inner electron shells of elements with a large atomic number. US Dept. of Energy: ([4] Anastopoulos, Charis 2008. Particle or Wave: the evolution of the concept of matter in modern physics. Princeton University Press.pp261–262. ISBN 0691135126.[5] Pauling, Linus C. 1960. The nature of the chemical bond and the structure of molecules and crystals: an introduction to modern structuralchemistry (3rd ed). Cornell University Press. pp4–10. ISBN 0801403332.[6] Grupen, Claus 1999. "Physics of Particle Detection". AIP Conference Proceedings, Instrumentation in Elementary Particle Physics, VIII. 536.Istanbul: Dordrecht, D. Reidel Publishing Company. pp. 3–34. doi:10.1063/1.1361756.[10] Davis & Falconer, J.J. Thomson and the Discovery of the ElectronElectron 15[11] Shipley, Joseph T. 1945. Dictionary of word origins. The Philosophical Library. p133.Other websites• "The Discovery of the Electron" ( American Institute of Physics, Centerfor History of Physics.• "Particle Data Group" ( University of California.• Bock, R.K.; Vasilescu, A. (1998). The Particle Detector BriefBook ( (14th ed.). Springer. ISBN 3-540-64120-3.Particles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonElementary particleStandard Model of elementary particles.1 GeV/c2= 1.783x10-27 kg. 1 MeV/c2= 1.783x10-30 kg.In physics, an elementary particle orfundamental particle is a particle not madeup of smaller particles, and so, it can't bebroken into anything smaller. Elementaryparticles are either bosons (if they have acharacteristic called spin of -1, 0, or 1) orfermions (if their "spin" is -½ or ½). TheStandard Model is the most accepted way toexplain how all particles behave, and theforces that affect these particles.Atoms are not elementary particles becausethey are made of subatomic particles(particles smaller than an atom) like protonsand neutrons. Protons and neutrons are notelementary particles because they are madeup of even smaller particles called quarksjoined together by other particles calledgluons because they "glue" the quarkstogether in the atom. Quarks are elementarybecause quarks cannot be broken down anyfurther.PropertiesElementary particle 16Every elementary particle has at least three important properties: "mass", "charge", and "spin". Each property has anumber value. The properties are:• Mass: A particle has mass if it takes energy to increase (accelerate) how fast it is moving. The table to the rightgives the mass of each elementary particle. Special relativity tells us that energy equals mass times a constant, thesquare of the speed of light. If distance and time are measured so that light travels one unit of distance in one unitof time, then mass equals energy. This is why the masses in the table to the right are given in units of energy overthe speed of light squared, MeV/c2 (that is pronounced megaelectronvolts over "c" squared). All particles withmass produce gravity. (Strangely, particles without mass also produce gravity. See general relativity for moreinformation.) Though mass is not always conserved (neither increased nor decreased), mass plus energy is almostalways conserved because of the e=mc2 concept.• Charge: An electron has charge -1. A proton has charge +1. A neutron has an average charge 0. Normal quarkshave charge of ⅔ or -⅓. If one particle has a negative charge, and another particle has a positive charge, the twoparticles are attracted to each other. If the two particles both have negative charge, or both have positive charge,the two particles are pushed apart. At short distances, this force is much stronger than the force of gravity whichpulls all particles together. Charge has always been conserved in all measured experiments.• Spin: The angular momentum or constant turning of a particle has a particular value, called its spin number,which is a natural number (positive whole number) times ½. Spin is always conserved in all reactions that do notinvolve the weak force. Subatomic particles with "spin" are not spinning in the usual sense, but instead "spin" inquantum physics is a more abstract concept invented by scientists to describe what is really going on with theparticle.Mass and charge are properties we can see in everyday life, because gravity and electricity affect things that humanscan see and touch. But spin is affects only the very, very small world of subatomic particles. And so we do not seetheir effect in our everyday life.FermionsFermions (named after the scientist,Enrico Fermi) have a spin number of -½ or ½, and are either quarks or leptons.There are 12 different types of fermions (not including antimatter. Each type is called a "flavor." The flavors are:• Quarks: up, down, strange, charm, bottom, top. Quarks come in three pairs, called "generations." One member ofeach pair has a charge of ⅔. The other member has charge -⅓.• Leptons: electron, muon, tau, electron neutrino, mu neutrino, tau neutrino. The neutrinos have charge 0, hencethe neutr- prefix. The other leptons have charge -1. Each neutrino is named after its corresponding original lepton:the electron, muon, and tauon.Six of the 12 fermions are thought to last forever: up and down quarks, the electron, and the three kinds of neutrinos(which constantly switch flavor). The other fermions decay. That is, they break down into other particles a fractionof a second after they are created. Fermi-Dirac statistics is a theory that describes how collections of fermionsbehave. Essentially, you can't have more than one fermion in the same place at the same time.Elementary particle 17BosonsBosons (named after the Indian physicist Satyendra Nath Bose (1894-1974)) have spin numbers that are integers(e.g. -1, 0, 1). Although most bosons are made of more than one particle, there are two kinds of elementary bosons:• Gauge bosons: gluons, W+ and W- bosons, Z0 bosons, and photons. These bosons carry 3 of the 4 fundamentalforces, and have a spin number of 1;• Higgs boson: Physicists believe that massive particles have mass (that is, they are not pure bundles of energy likephotons) because of the Higgs interaction.The photon and the gluons have no charge, and are the only elementary particles that have a mass of 0 for certain.The photon is the only boson that does not decay. Bose-Einstein statistics is a theory that describes how collectionsof bosons behave. Unlike fermions, it is possible to have more than one boson in the same space at the same time.Standard ModelThe Standard Model includes all of the elementary particles described above. All these particles except the Higgsboson have been observed in the laboratory.The Standard Model does not talk about gravity. If gravity works like the three other fundamental forces, thengravity is carried by the hypothetical boson called the graviton. (The Higgs boson and graviton have yet to be found,and are not included in the table above.)The first fermion to be discovered, and the one we know the most about, is the electron. The first boson to bediscovered, and also the one we know the most about, is the photon. The theory that very accurately explains howthe electron, photon, electromagnetism, and electromagnetic radiation all work together is called quantumelectrodynamics.Particles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonFermion 18FermionA fermion is one of the things that everything is made of. Fermions are really small and do not weigh much.Fermions can be thought of as the building blocks of matter because atoms are made up of fermions.An electron (a particle of electricity) is a fermion, but a photon (a particle of light) is not. Fermions are particles withspin numbers that are 1/2, 3/2, 5/2, etc. (Spin is a made-up name that scientists use to describe a phenomenon thatthey can not totally understand–it does not literally spin). Paul Dirac named them fermions in honor of a famousscientist called Enrico Fermi.Fermions are special because you cannot put two of them in the same place at the same time, if they have the samequantum numbers, such as spin. Scientist have given the name Pauli exclusion principle to this behavior. Fermionsobey Fermi-Dirac statistics. This behavior is different to particles in the opposite class called bosons. An example ofa boson is a photon. Unlike fermions, you can have many bosons in the same place at the same time.Most well known fermions have spin of 1/2. An example of a type of fermion with a spin of 1/2 is the electron. Theelectron belongs to a group of fermions called Leptons.Fundamental fermions (fermions that are not made up of anything else) are either quarks or leptons. There are 6different types of quarks (called "flavours") and 6 different types of leptons. These are their names:• Quarks — up, down, charm, strange, top, bottom• Leptons — electron, muon, tau, electron neutrino, muon neutrino, tau neutrinoEach of these fermions also has an anti-particle associated with it, so there are a total of 24 different fundamentalfermions. The anti-particle is similar to the original particle, but with opposite electrical charge. The "up", "charm",and "top" quarks have electrical charge of +2/3. Their anti-particles have charge -2/3 (anti-up, anti-charm, anti-top).The other three quarks (down, strange and bottom) have charge -1/3, and their anti-particles have charge +1/3. Theelectron, muon, and tau leptons all have charge of -1, and their anti-particles (anti-electron or "positron", anti-muon,anti-tau) have charge +1. All the neutrinos and anti-neutrinos have charge 0. The main difference between quarks orleptons with the same charge is in how much they weigh.The supersymmetric counterpart of any fermion is called a "sfermion."Particles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonGoogolplex 19GoogolplexA googolplex is the number 10Googol(1010100). A googolplex can not be written down. This is because there are notenough atoms in the universe to use to write it down on. In fact, it would take a trillion times more atoms to writedown a googolplex. It was thought of by the nephew of mathematician Edward Kasner.Google named their headquarters, Googleplex, after the googolplex.Also see• Graham's numberHadronA hadron is a kind of composite particle that is affected by the strong interaction that is made of quarks heldtogether by strong force. There are two kinds of hadrons. One kind are baryons, which are made of three quarks. Theother kind are mesons, which are made of one quark and one anti-quark.List of HadronsKnown to ExistBaryons• Proton• NeutronMesons• Pion• KaonNot yet Known to Exist• Tetraquark• PentaquarkParticles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonLepton 20LeptonThe six basic leptons: electrons, muons, tauons,electron neutrinos, mu neutrinos, and tauneutrinos, respectivelyLeptons are elementary particles with spin 1/2 (a fermion) that are notaffected by strong nuclear force. They are a family of particles that aredifferent from the other known family of fermions, the quarks.Electrons are a well-known example that are found in ordinary matter.There are six leptons: the electron, muon, and tau particles and theirassociated neutrinos. The different varieties of the elementary particlesare commonly called "flavors", and the neutrinos here are considered tohave distinctly different flavor. Of the six leptons, three have electrical charge and three do not. The best knowncharged lepton is the electron (e). The other two charged leptons are the muon (µ) and the tau (τ), which are likeelectrons but much bigger. The charged leptons are all negative.The superparticle of a lepton is called a "slepton."Particles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonNeutron 21NeutronA picture of a neutron. The 'u' stands for an up quark,and the 'd' stands for a down quark.Neutrons, with protons and electrons, make up an atom. Neutronsand protons are found in the nucleus of an atom.[][][] Unlikeprotons, which have a positive charge, or electrons, which have anegative charge, neutrons have zero charge.[][1] Neutrons bindwith protons with the residual strong force.Neutrons were predicted by Ernest Rutherford,[2] and discoveredby James Chadwick,[][3] in 1932.[] Atoms were fired at a thin paneof beryllium. Particles emerged which had no charge, and hecalled these 'neutrons'.Neutrons have a mass of 1.675 × 10-24g,[] which is a little heavierthan the proton.[] Neutrons are 1839 times heavier than electrons.[]Like all hadrons, neutrons are made of quarks. A neutron is madeof two down quarks and one up quark.[][] One up quark has acharge of +2/3, and the two down quarks each have a charge of-1/3. The fact that these charges cancel out is why neutrons have aneutral (0) charge. Quarks are held together by gluons.IsotopesNeutrons can be found in almost all atoms alongside protons and electrons, hydrogen-1 being the single commonexception. The number of them in the atom does not change the element, unlike protons. However, it does changesome characteristics of the element or ore. The number of them in an atom determines what isotope this compoundis.Atomic reactionsNeutrons are the key to nuclear chain reactions, nuclear power and nuclear weapons.References[2] pages• Proton• ElectronNeutron 22Particles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonNucleus (physics)The nucleus is the middle part of an atom. It is made of protons and neutrons, and is surrounded by the electroncloud. The nucleus has most of the mass of an atom, though it is only a very small part of it.Neutrons have no charge and protons are all positively charged. Because the nucleus is only made up of protons andneutrons it is positively charged. Things that have the same charge repel each other. Unless there was something elseholding the nucleus together it could not exist because the protons would push away from each other. The nucleus isactually held together by a force called the strong nuclear force.The strong nuclear force is a force that can only act over extremely short ranges.ProtonA picture of a proton. The 'u' stands for an up quark,and the 'd' stands for a down quark.A proton is part of an atom.[] They are found in the nucleus of anatom along with neutrons.[] The periodic table groups atomsaccording to how many protons they have. A single atom ofhydrogen (the lightest kind of atom) is made up of an electronmoving around a proton. Most of the mass of this atom is in theproton, which is almost 2000 times heavier than the electron.Protons and neutrons make up the nucleus of every other kind ofatom. In any one element, the number of protons is always thesame. An atom's atomic number is equal to the number of protonsin that atom.Protons are made of quarks.[] A proton is believed to be made upof 3 quarks, two up quarks and one down quark.[] One down quarkhas a charge of -1/3, and two up quarks have a charge of +2/3each. This adds to a charge of +1. A proton has a very small mass.The mass of the proton is about one atomic mass unit. The mass ofthe neutron is also about one atomic mass unit. The size of a proton is determined by the vibration of the quarks thatare in it, and these quarks effectively form a cloud. This means that a proton is not so much a hard ball as an area thatcontains quarks.Proton 23ReferencesOther pages• Proton decay• Neutron• Electron• QuarksParticles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonQuarkSix of the particles in the Standard Model are quarks (shown in purple). Each ofthe first three columns forms a generation of matter.A quark is a tiny particle which makes upprotons and neutrons. Atoms are made ofneutrons, protons, and electrons. It was oncethought that neutrons, protons and electronswere fundamental particles. Fundamentalparticles can not be broken up into anythingsmaller. After the invention of the particleaccelerator, it was discovered that electronsare fundamental particles, but neutrons andprotons are not. Neutrons and protons aremade up of quarks, which are held togetherby gluons.There are six types of quarks. The types arecalled flavours. The flavours are up, down,strange, charm, top, and bottom. Up,charm and top quarks have a charge of +2⁄3,while down, strange and bottom quarks havea charge of -1⁄3. Each quark has a matchingantiquark. Antiquarks have a chargeopposite to that of their quarks; meaningthat up, charm and top antiquarks have a charge of -2⁄3 and that down, strange and bottom antiquarks have a charge of+1⁄3.Quark 24A picture of a neutron. The 'u' stands for an upquark, and the 'd' stands for a down quark. Aneutron is made of three quarks, and is a baryon(baryons are a type of hadron). The colors useddo not matter; just which quarks are there.Only up and down quarks are found inside atoms of the normal matter.Two up quarks and one down make a proton (2⁄3 + 2⁄3 -1⁄3 = +1 charge)while two down quarks and one up make a neutron (2⁄3 -1⁄3 -1⁄3 = 0charge). The other four flavours are not seen naturally on Earth, butthey can be made in particle accelerators. Some of them may also existinside of stars.When two or more quarks are held together by the strong nuclear force,the particle formed is called a hadron. Quarks that make the quantumnumber of hadrons are named 'valence quarks'. The two families ofhadrons are baryons (made of three valence quarks) and mesons (whichare made from a quark and an antiquark).When quarks are stretched farther and farther, the force that holds themtogether becomes bigger. When it comes to the point when quarks areseparated, they form two sets of quarks.The idea (or model) for quarks was proposed by physicists MurrayGell-Mann and George Zweig in 1964. Other scientists begansearching for evidence of quarks, and succeeded in 1968.The superparticle of a quark is called a "squark."Other websites• Basic quark site [1]Particles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonReferences[1] 25UniversePhysical cosmologyUniverse · Big BangAge of the universeTimeline of the Big BangUltimate fate of the universeEarly universeInflation · NucleosynthesisGWB · Neutrino backgroundCosmic microwave backgroundExpanding universeRedshift · Hubble's lawMetric expansion ofspaceFriedmann equationsFLRW metricStructure FormationShape of the universeStructure formationReionizationGalaxy formationLarge-scale structureGalaxy filamentsUniverse 26ComponentsLambda-CDM modelDark energy · Dark matterTimelineTimeline ofcosmological theoriesTimeline of the BigBangFuture of an expandinguniverseExperimentsObservationalcosmology2dF · SDSSCOBE ·BOOMERanG ·WMAP · PlanckScientistsIsaac Newton ·Einstein · Hawking ·Friedman · Lemaître· Hubble · Penzias ·Wilson · Gamow ·Dicke · Zel'dovich ·Mather · Rubin ·SmootThe universe is commonly defined as everything that exists.[1] It includes all kinds of physical matter and energy,the planets, stars, galaxies, and all the contents of space.[2][3]Astronomers can use telescopes to look at very distant galaxies. Like this they see what the universe looked like along time ago. This is because the light from distant parts of the universe takes a very long time to reach us. Fromthese observations, it seems the physical laws and constants of the universe have not changed.HistoryMany people in history had ideas to explain the universe. Most early models had the Earth at the centre of theUniverse. Some ancient Greeks thought that the Universe has infinite space and has existed forever. They thought ithad a set of spheres which corresponded to the fixed stars, the Sun and various planets. The spheres circled about aspherical but unmoving Earth.Over the centuries, better observations and better ideas of gravity led to Copernicus's Sun-centred model. This washugely controversial at the time, and was fought long and hard by authorities of the Christian church (see GiordanoBruno and Galileo).The invention of the telescope in the Netherlands, 1608, was a milestone in astronomy. By the mid-19th century theywere good enough for other galaxies to be distinguished. The modern optical (uses visible light) telescope is stillmore advanced. Meanwhile, the Newtonian dynamics (equations) showed how the Solar System worked.Universe 27The improvement of telescopes led astronomers to realise that the Solar System is in a galaxy made of millions ofstars, the Milky Way, and that other galaxies exist outside it, as far as we can see. Careful studies of the distributionof these galaxies and their spectral lines have led to much of modern cosmology. Discovery of the red shift showedthat the Universe is expanding (see Hubble).High-resolution image of the Hubble ultra deep field. Itshows a variety of galaxies, each made of billions ofstars. The equivalent area of sky that the pictureoccupies is shown in the lower left corner. Thesmallest, reddest galaxies, about 100, are some of themost distant galaxies to have been photographed. Theyformed shortly after the Big Bang.Big bangThe most used scientific model of the Universe is known as theBig Bang theory. The Universe expanded from a very hot, densephase called the Planck epoch, in which all the matter and energyof the Universe was concentrated. Several independentexperimental measurements support the expansion of space and,more generally, the Big Bang idea. Recent observations supportthe idea that this expansion is happening because of dark energy.Most of the matter in the Universe may be in a form which cannotbe detected by present methods. This has been named dark matter.Just to be clear, dark matter and energy have not been detecteddirectly (that is why they are called 'dark'). Their existence isinferred by deduction from observations which would be difficultto explain otherwise.Current thinking in cosmology is that the age of the Universe is13.73 (± 0.12) billion years,[4] and that the diameter of theUniverse is at least 93 billion light years, or 8.80 ×1026 metres.[]According to general relativity, space can get bigger faster than thespeed of light, but we can view only part of the universe because of the speed of light. We cannot see space beyondthe limitations of light (or any electromagnetic radiation).Etymology, synonyms and meaningThe word Universe comes from the Old French word Univers, which comes from the Latin word universum.[5] TheLatin word was used by Cicero and later Latin authors in many of the same senses as the modern English word isused.A different interpretation (way to interpret) of unvorsum is "everything rotated as one" or "everything rotated byone". This refers to an early Greek model of the Universe. In that model, all matter was in rotating spheres centeredon the Earth; according to Aristotle, the rotation of the outermost sphere was responsible for the motion and changeof everything within. It was natural for the Greeks to assume that the Earth was stationary and that the heavensrotated about the Earth, because careful astronomical and physical measurements (such as the Foucault pendulum)are required to prove otherwise.The most common term for "Universe" among the ancient Greek philosophers from Pythagoras onwards was το παν(The All), defined as all matter (το ολον) and all space (το κενον).[6]Universe 28Broadest meaningThe broadest word meaning of the Universe is found in De divisione naturae by the medieval philosopher JohannesScotus Eriugena, who defined it as simply everything: everything that exists and everything that does not exist.Time is not considered in Eriugena's definition; thus, his definition includes everything that exists, has existed andwill exist, as well as everything that does not exist, has never existed and will never exist. This all-embracingdefinition was not adopted by most later philosophers, but something similar is in quantum physics.[]Definition as realitySee also: Reality and PhysicsUsually the Universe is thought to be everything that exists, has existed, and will exist.[7] This definition says thatthe Universe is made of two elements: space and time, together known as space-time or the vacuum; and matter anddifferent forms of energy and momentum occupying space-time. The two kinds of elements behave according tophysical laws, in which we describe how the elements interact.A similar definition of the term Universe is everything that exists at a single moment of time, such as the present orthe beginning of time, as in the sentence "The Universe was of size 0".In Aristotle's book The Physics, Aristotle divided το παν (everything) into three roughly analogous elements: matter(the stuff of which the Universe is made), form (the arrangement of that matter in space) and change (how matter iscreated, destroyed or altered in its properties, and similarly, how form is altered). Physical laws were the rulesgoverning the properties of matter, form and their changes. Later philosophers such as Lucretius, Averroes,Avicenna and Baruch Spinoza altered or refined these divisions. For example, Averroes and Spinoza have activeprinciples governing the Universe which act on passive elements.Space-time definitionsIt is possible to form space-times, each existing but not able to touch, move, or change (interact with each other. Aneasy way to think of this is a group of separate soap bubbles, in which people living on one soap bubble cannotinteract with those on other soap bubbles. According to one common terminology, each "soap bubble" of space-timeis denoted as a universe, whereas our particular space-time is denoted as the Universe, just as we call our moon theMoon. The entire collection of these separate space-times is denoted as the multiverse.[] In principle, the otherunconnected universes may have different dimensionalities and topologies of space-time, different forms of matterand energy, and different physical laws and physical constants, although such possibilities are currently speculative.Observable realityAccording to a still-more-restrictive definition, the Universe is everything within our connected space-time thatcould have a chance to interact with us and vice versa.According to the general idea of relativity, some regions of space may never interact with ours even in the lifetime ofthe Universe, due to the finite speed of light and the ongoing expansion of space. For example, radio messages sentfrom Earth may never reach some regions of space, even if the Universe would exist forever; space may expandfaster than light can traverse it.It is worth emphasizing that those distant regions of space are taken to exist and be part of reality as much as we are;yet we can never interact with them, even in principle.[8] The spatial region within which we can affect and beaffected is denoted as the observable universe.Strictly speaking, the observable universe depends on the location of the observer. By traveling, an observer cancome into contact with a greater region of space-time than an observer who remains still, so that the observableuniverse for the former is larger than for the latter. Nevertheless, even the most rapid traveler may not be able tointeract with all of space. Typically, the observable universe is taken to mean the universe observable from ourUniverse 29vantage point in the Milky Way Galaxy.Basic data on the UniverseThe Universe is huge and possibly infinite in volume. The matter which can be seen is spread over a space at least 93billion light years across.[9] For comparison, the diameter of a typical galaxy is only 30,000 light-years, and thetypical distance between two neighboring galaxies is only 3 million light-years.[10] As an example, our Milky WayGalaxy is roughly 100,000 light years in diameter,[11] and our nearest sister galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, islocated roughly 2.5 million light years away.[12] There are probably more than 100 billion (1011) galaxies in theobservable universe.[13] Typical galaxies range from dwarf galaxys with as few as ten million[14] (107) stars up togiants with one trillion[] (1012) stars, all orbiting the galaxy's center of mass. Thus, a very rough estimate from thesenumbers would suggest there are around one sextillion (1021) stars in the observable universe; though a 2003 studyby Australian National University astronomers resulted in a figure of 70 sextillion (7 x 1022).[15]The universe is thought to be mostly made of dark energy anddark matter, both of which are not understood right now. Lessthan 5% of the universe is ordinary matter.The matter that can be seen is spread throughout theuniverse, when averaged over distances longer than 300million light-years.[16] However, on smaller length-scales,matter is observed to form 'clumps', many atoms arecondensed into stars, most stars into galaxies, most galaxiesinto galaxy groups and clusters and, lastly, the largest-scalestructures such as the Great Wall of galaxies.The present overall density of the Universe is very low,roughly 9.9 × 10−30 grams per cubic centimetre. Thismass-energy appears to consist of 73% dark energy, 23%cold dark matter and 4% ordinary matter. The density ofatoms is about a single hydrogen atom for every four cubicmeters of volume.[17] The properties of dark energy anddark matter are not known. Dark matter slows the expansionof the Universe. Dark energy makes its expansion faster.The Universe is old, and changing. The best good guess of the Universe's age is 13.73±0.12 billion years old, basedon what was seen of the cosmic microwave background radiation.[] Independent estimates (based on measurementssuch as radioactive dating) agree, although they are less precise, ranging from 11–20 billion years[18] to 13–15billion years.[19]The universe has not been the same at all times in its history. This getting bigger accounts for how Earth-boundpeople can see the light from a galaxy 30 billion light years away, even if that light has traveled for only 13 billionyears; the very space between them has expanded. This expansion is consistent with the observation that the lightfrom distant galaxies has been redshifted; the photons emitted have been stretched to longer wavelengths and lowerfrequency during their journey. The rate of this spatial expansion is accelerating, based on studies of Type Iasupernovae and other data.The relative amounts of different chemical elements — especially the lightest atoms such as hydrogen, deuteriumand helium — seem to be identical in all of the universe and throughout all of the history of it that we know of.[20]The universe seems to have much more matter than antimatter.[21] The Universe appears to have no net electriccharge, and therefore gravity appears to be the dominant interaction on cosmological length scales. The Universealso appears to have neither net momentum nor angular momentum. The absence of net charge and momentumwould follow if the universe were finite.[22]Universe 30The elementary particles from which the Universe isconstructed. Six leptons and six quarks comprise most of thematter; for example, the protons and neutrons of atomic nucleiare composed of quarks, and the ubiquitous electron is a lepton.These particles interact via the gauge bosons shown in themiddle row, each corresponding to a particular type of gaugesymmetry. The Higgs boson (as yet unobserved) is believed toconfer mass on the particles with which it is connected. Thegraviton, a supposed gauge boson for gravity, is not shown.The Universe appears to have a smooth space-timecontinuum made of three spatial dimensions and onetemporal (time) dimension. On the average, space is verynearly flat (close to zero curvature), meaning that Euclideangeometry is experimentally true with high accuracythroughout most of the Universe.[23] However, the universemay have more dimensions and its spacetime may have amultiply connected global topology.[]The Universe seems to be governed throughout by the samephysical laws and physical constants.[24] According to theprevailing Standard Model of physics, all matter iscomposed of three generations of leptons and quarks, bothof which are fermions. These elementary particles interactvia at most three fundamental interactions: the electroweakinteraction which includes electromagnetism and the weaknuclear force; the strong nuclear force described byquantum chromodynamics; and gravity, which is bestdescribed at present by general relativity.The idea of special relativity is thought to hold in all of the universe, provided that the spatial and temporal lengthscales are sufficiently short; otherwise, general relativity must be applied. There is no explanation for the particularvalues that physical constants appear to have throughout our Universe, such as Planck's constant h or thegravitational constant G. Several conservation laws have been identified, such as the conservation of charge,conservation of momentum, conservation of angular momentum and conservation of energy.Theoretical modelsGeneral theory of relativityAccurate predictions of the universe's past and future require an accurate theory of gravitation. The best theoryavailable is Albert Einstein's general theory of relativity, which has passed all experimental tests so far. However,since rigorous experiments have not been carried out on cosmological length scales, general relativity couldconceivably be inaccurate. Nevertheless, its predictions appear to be consistent with observations, so there is noreason to adopt another theory.General relativity provides of a set of ten nonlinear partial differential equations for the spacetime metric (Einstein'sfield equations) that must be solved from the distribution of mass-energy and momentum throughout the universe.Since these are unknown in exact detail, cosmological models have been based on the cosmological principle, whichstates that the universe is homogeneous and isotropic. In effect, this principle asserts that the gravitational effects ofthe various galaxies making up the universe are equivalent to those of a fine dust distributed uniformly throughoutthe universe with the same average density. The assumption of a uniform dust makes it easy to solve Einstein's fieldequations and predict the past and future of the universe on cosmological time scales.Einstein's field equations include a cosmological constant (Lamda: Λ),[25][26] that is related to an energy density ofempty space.[27] Depending on its sign, the cosmological constant can either slow (negative Λ) or accelerate (positiveΛ) the expansion of the universe. Although many scientists, including Einstein, had speculated that Λ was zero,[28]recent astronomical observations of type Ia supernovae have detected a large amount of dark energy that isaccelerating the universe's expansion.[29] Preliminary studies suggest that this dark energy is related to a positive Λ,Universe 31although alternative theories cannot be ruled out as yet.[30]Solving Einstein's field equationsSee also: Big BangThe distances between the spinning galaxies increase with time, but the distances between the stars within eachgalaxy stay roughly the same, due to their gravitational interactions. This animation illustrates a closed Friedmannuniverse with zero cosmological constant Λ; such a universe oscillates between a Big Bang and a Big Crunch.Big Bang modelThe prevailing Big Bang model accounts for many of the experimental observations described above, such as thecorrelation of distance and redshift of galaxies, the universal ratio of hydrogen:helium atoms, and the ubiquitous,isotropic microwave radiation background. As noted above, the redshift arises from the metric expansion of space; asthe space itself expands, the wavelength of a photon traveling through space likewise increases, decreasing itsenergy. The longer a photon has been traveling, the more expansion it has undergone; hence, older photons frommore distant galaxies are the most red-shifted. Determining the correlation between distance and redshift is animportant problem in experimental physical cosmology.Other experimental observations can be explained by combining the overall expansion of space with nuclear andatomic physics. As the universe expands, the energy density of the electromagnetic radiation decreases more quicklythan does that of matter, since the energy of a photon decreases with its wavelength. Thus, although the energydensity of the universe is now dominated by matter, it was once dominated by radiation; poetically speaking, all waslight. As the universe expanded, its energy density decreased and it became cooler; as it did so, the elementaryparticles of matter could associate stably into ever larger combinations. Thus, in the early part of thematter-dominated era, stable protons and neutrons formed, which then associated into atomic nuclei. At this stage,the matter in the universe was mainly a hot, dense plasma of negative electrons, neutral neutrinos and positive nuclei.Nuclear reactions among the nuclei led to the present abundances of the lighter nuclei, particularly hydrogen,deuterium, and helium. Eventually, the electrons and nuclei combined to form stable atoms, which are transparent tomost wavelengths of radiation; at this point, the radiation decoupled from the matter, forming the ubiquitous,isotropic background of microwave radiation observed today.Chief nuclear reactions responsible for the relative amounts of lightatomic nuclei observed in the universe.Other observations are not clearly answered by knownphysics. According to the prevailing theory, a slightimbalance of matter over antimatter was present in theuniverse's creation, or developed very shortlythereafter. Although the matter and antimatter mostlyannihilated one another, producing photons, a smallresidue of matter survived, giving the presentmatter-dominated universe.Several lines of evidence also suggest that a rapidcosmic inflation of the universe occurred very early in its history (roughly 10−35 seconds after its creation). Recentobservations also suggest that the cosmological constant (Λ) is not zero and that the net mass-energy content of theuniverse is dominated by a dark energy and dark matter that have not been characterized scientifically. They differ intheir gravitational effects. Dark matter gravitates as ordinary matter does, and thus slows the expansion of theuniverse; by contrast, dark energy serves to accelerate the universe's expansion.Universe 32MultiverseSome people think that there is more than one Universe. They think that there is a set of universes called themultiverse. By definition, there is no way for anything in one universe to affect something in another. The multiverseis not yet a scientific idea because there is no way to test it. An idea that cannot be tested is not science.Further reading• Edward Robert Harrison 2000. Cosmology 2nd ed. Cambridge University Press.• Misner C.W., Thorne K. Wheeler, J.A. (1973). Gravitation. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman. pp. 703–816.ISBN 978-0-7167-0344-0. The classic text for a generation.• Rindler W. (1977). Essential relativity: special, general, and cosmological. New York: Springer Verlag.pp. 193–244. ISBN 0-387-10090-3.• Weinberg S. (1993). The first three minutes: a modern view of the origin of the Universe (2nd updated ed.). NewYork: Basic Books. ISBN 978-0465024377. OCLC 28746057 [31]. For lay readers.• -------- 2008. Cosmology. Oxford University Press. Challenging.Related pages• Anthropic principle• Big Bang• Cosmology• Multiverse• Omniverse• RealityReferences[5] The Compact Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, volume II, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1971, p.3518.[6] Liddell and Scott, pp.1345–1346.[8] Even with most of the visible universe, we cannot interact with it in practice. A relatively simple task, so it might seem, would be tocommunicate within our own galaxy. Even if we knew how to send a message successfully, it would be about 200,000 years before a replycould come back from the far end of the Milky Way, whose diameter is 100,000 light years. galaxy.[10] Rindler (1977), p.196.[22] Landau and Lifshitz 1975. p361[23] WMAP Mission: Results – Age of the Universe ([25] Einstein A. 1917. "Kosmologische Betrachtungen zur allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie". Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften,Sitzungsberichte 1917 (part 1): 142–152.[26] Rindler (1977), pp. 226–229.[27] Landau and Lifshitz (1975), pp. 358–359.[29] Hubble Telescope news release ([30] BBC News story: Evidence that dark energy is the cosmological constant ([31] 33Other websites• Is there a hole in the universe? ( at HowStuffWorks• Age of the Universe ( at Space.Com• Stephen Hawking's Universe ( – Why is the universe theway it is?• Cosmology FAQ (• Cosmos – An "illustrated dimensional journey from microcosmos to macrocosmos" (• Illustration comparing the sizes of the planets, the sun, and other stars (• Logarithmic Maps of the Universe (• My So-Called Universe ( – Arguments for and against aninfinite and parallel universes• Parallel Universes ( by Max Tegmark• The Dark Side and the Bright Side of the Universe ( PrincetonUniversity, Shirley Ho• Richard Powell: An Atlas of the Universe ( – Images at various scales,with explanations• Multiple Big Bangs (• Universe – Space Information Centre (• Exploring the Universe ( at• The Size Of The Universe, understand the size of the universe by starting with humans and going up by powers often (• The Known Universe ( created by the American Museumof Natural HistoryUp quark 34Up quarkTwo up quarks (u) and one down quark (d) form a protonUp quarks are subatomic particles that helpmake up many larger particles, like protons.Up quarks have a charge of +2/3, and are thelightest of the six types (flavours) of quarks.Like all fermions (non force-carryingparticles), Up quarks have a spin of 1/2.They are affected by all four of thefundamental forces, which are gravity,strong force, weak force, andelectromagnetism. Like all quarks, Upquarks are elementary particles, whichmeans that they are so small that scientistsbelieve that they can not be divided anymore.Protons (which have a total charge of +1)are made of two up quarks (which have acharge of +2/3) and one down quark (whichhave a charge of -1/3). Neutrons (whichhave a total charge of 0) are made of one upquark, and two down quarks. Up quarks canalso be used to create more complex particles, such as pions.References"Up quark" ( Wikipedia. 17 December 2010. Retrieved 17 December2010.Particles in PhysicsElementary: Fermions: Quarks: up – down – strange – charm – bottom –topLeptons: electron – muon – tau – neutrinosBosons: Gauge bosons: photon – W and Z bosons – gluonsComposite: Hadrons: Baryons: proton – neutron – hyperonMesons: pion – kaon – J/ψAtomic nuclei – Atoms – MoleculesHypothetical: Higgs boson – Graviton – TachyonArticle Sources and Contributors 35Article Sources and ContributorsAtom Source: Contributors: 2602:306:CD8B:1E70:C19:2142:495E:845D, A7x, Allemandtando, American Eagle, Arjenvreugd,Az1568, Barras, Blockinblox, Bluegoblin7, Chenzw, Claimgoal, Clementina, Coffsneeze, Cometstyles, DJDunsie, Darrien, Diego Grez, DrJimothyCatface, Dweller, EchoBravo, Eptalon,Evanherk, Fairfield, FrancoGG, Freshstart, GblDave, Gordonrox24, Grain, Griffinofwales, Gwib, Huji, Imthebest, Intelati, Isis, Kansan, Kenvancleve, Leifanator, LilHelpa, Listlistlist, Majorly,Mark91, Mat, Maya, Mentifisto, Mercy, Mh7kJ, Minor Contributer, Nifky?, Nishkid64, ONaNcle, Peddy, PhnomPencil, PiRSquared17, Piccolo, Pmlineditor, Pure Evil, Racepacket, Razorflame,Ricky81682, Rockrocks434323, Rothorpe, RyanCross, Savh, Selket, Sesna2, Sonia, Suisui, Synergy, TBloemink, Tango, Tegel, Tenth Plague, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, The angel jean, Thelife of brian, Tholly, Uvzz, Vector, Vogone, Voyajer, WFPM, Wannabe Wiki, Webkid, Wiooiw, Yoshiha40,, 171 anonymous editsAtomic nucleus Source: Contributors: American Eagle, Auntof6, Kumioko, Morgankevinj AWB, Peterdownunder, PiRSquared17,Wannabe Wiki, 5 anonymous editsBoson Source: Contributors: Auntof6, Creol, DJDunsie, Illuminating Friend, JacobParker100, MeggyinRussia, Mh7kJ, Racepacket,Schneb78, Sesna2, Tdxiang, Woz2, 8 anonymous editsElectric charge Source: Contributors: Barras, Blockinblox, Creol, JDPhD, Osiris, Patrick0Moran, Ruslik0, Sertion, Sesna2, Soryusu,Srleffler, Tbennert, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, Werieth, 13 anonymous editsElectron Source: Contributors: Aflm, Auntof6, Belinda, Chenzw, Clarkcj12, Clementina, Djsasso, Egmontaz, Juliancolton, Jusjih,Kenvancleve, Lsy098, Luna Santin, Macdonald-ross, Mihoshi, Nicola.Manini, Nifky?, Patrick0Moran, PiRSquared17, Pmlineditor, Racepacket, Ruslik0, Sesna2, Srleffler, Suisui, Tks2103,TomRed, Tygrrr, Uvzz, Vector, 24 anonymous editsElementary particle Source: Contributors: Auntof6, Benmccanna, Meriga, Osiris, Ruslik0, Sesna2, Simeon, Tygrrr, Werieth, WikiJon,Yakiv Gluck, Zedshort, 12 anonymous editsFermion Source: Contributors: Auntof6, Creol, Morgankevinj AWB, Ruslik0, Sesna2, Tygrrr, Werdan7, WikiJon, Woz2, 6 anonymouseditsGoogolplex Source: Contributors: Albacore, American Eagle, Art LaPella, Barras, Berek, Bob.v.R, EvillyG00d, Fairfield, Foxj,Freshstart, Hazard-SJ, I wish you knew I was sorry, Liam.gloucester, Nataly8, NonvocalScream, Philosopher, PiRSquared17, Pmlineditor, Ruy Pugliesi, Sonia, The Flying Spaghetti Monster,Tygrrr, 27 anonymous editsHadron Source: Contributors: Auntof6, EhJJ, Griffinofwales, Mh7kJ, Nifky?, Ruslik0, RyanCross, Sesna2, Shustov, Synergy, 11anonymous editsLepton Source: Contributors: Archer7, Auntof6, Matilda, Mooishness, Morgankevinj AWB, Netoholic, PiRSquared17, Ruslik0,Sesna2, The Rambling Man, Tygrrr, 11 anonymous editsNeutron Source: Contributors: AnakngAraw, DJDunsie, Exert, Freshstart, Llb43, Macdonald-ross, Nifky?, Ora Stendar, PhnomPencil,Pmlineditor, Ruslik0, Sesna2, Sir James Paul, Sosme88, The Flying Spaghetti Monster, WashingManwithwings, Zakkazzakkaz, 26 anonymous editsNucleus (physics) Source: Contributors: Berek, Blockinblox, Gordonrox24, Isis, King of Hearts, Mh7kJ, Ora Stendar, Srleffler, Stauros,Tygrrr, Wiooiw, 3 anonymous editsProton Source: Contributors: -Midorihana-, Ajraddatz, AnakngAraw, Archer7, Blockinblox, Bluemask, Creol, DJDunsie, DaGizza,Geeksluvpi, Geni, Isis, Lord Truth, O.Koslowski, Ruslik0, Savh, Sesna2, Synergy, 29 anonymous editsQuark Source: Contributors: 2012rc, Archer7, DJDunsie, Fairfield, Frankie1969, Freshstart, Gutworth, Liquid daisies, MauriceCarbonaro, Mh7kJ, Neurolysis, Nifky?, PiRSquared17, Razorflame, Richard n, Ricky81682, Ruslik0, Schneb78, Sesna2, Tanthanyes, Tree Biting Conspiracy, Tygrrr, Werdan7, 26 anonymouseditsUniverse Source: Contributors: AnakngAraw, Angela, Anonymous Dissident, Archer7, Azcolvin429, Blockinblox, CRRaysHead90,Chenzw, Chris Roy, Claus Ableiter, Creol, Cymru.lass, Diego Grez, Eptalon, Fairfield, Freshstart, Giggy, Griffinofwales, Grunny, Gwib, Isis, Jcaraballo, Jessicagirl, JetLover, Jonas D. Rand,Jusjih, Lcawte, Macdonald-ross, Metalic, Mh7kJ, Niteowlneils, ONaNcle, Osiris, PhnomPencil, PiRSquared17, Ruslik0, ScienceApologist, Sikilai, Sir James Paul, Tango, Tholly, Werieth, Xilien,,, 67 anonymous editsUp quark Source: Contributors: DJDunsie, Morgankevinj AWB, Sesna2Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 36Image Sources, Licenses and ContributorsFile:Stylised Lithium Atom.png Source: License: GNU Free Documentation License Contributors:User:Halfdan, User:Liquid_2003File:Ernest Rutherford.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Blurpeace, Eusebius, Ivob, Polarlys, Stefi,Yelm, 霧木諒二File:Nuclear fusion forces diagram.svg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0Unported Contributors: PanoptikFile:Helium atom QM.svg Source: License: unknown Contributors: Aleator, Art-top, Belfer00, Bromskloss,Common Good, Fred the Oyster, Happycelebrity, Jorge Stolfi, MathCool10, Oleg Alexandrov, Pieter Kuiper, Savh, Tdadamemd, Yzmo, 17 anonymous editsfile:VFPt_Solenoid_correct2.svg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Contributors:Geek3File:Bohr atom model English.svg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0Unported Contributors: BrighterorangeFile:Standard Model of Elementary Particles.svg Source: License: Creative CommonsAttribution 3.0 Contributors: MissMJFile:Lepton isodoublets.png Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: HeadbombFile:Quark structure neutron.svg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.5Contributors: User:HarpFile:Quark structure proton.svg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.5 Contributors:Made by Arpad HorvathImage:Standard Model of Elementary Particles.svg Source: License: Creative CommonsAttribution 3.0 Contributors: MissMJImage:WMAP_2010.png Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: 0Zero0, Julia W, LobStoR, Raeky, Seleucus,WikipediaMaster, 6 anonymous editsFile:HubbleUltraDeepFieldwithScaleComparison.jpg Source: License: Public domainContributors: NASA and the European Space Agency. Edited by AutonovaFile:Cosmological composition.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Newone, Rogilbert,Ruslik0, 1 anonymous editsFile:Elementary particle interactions.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors:en:User:TriTertButoxy, User:StanneredFile:Primordial nucleosynthesis.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Lokal_ProfilLicense 37LicenseCreative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported//
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