Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Myths Part 2

In Ju mythology, Heise was half man and half god. He created the forests from his own hair so that his own delicate son could have shelter from the searing sun.
Hekau was a term for the magical formulae used on amulets in ancient Egypt.
Hel (Hela) was the Norse goddess of the underworld. She was a daughter of Loki and the giant Angurboda, and the sister of Fenrir and Jormungand.
In Huli mythology, Helabe is a son of Honabe.
In Huli mythology, Helahuli is a son of Honabe. His four sons were the founders of mankind and the four tribes bear their names.
In Greek mythology, Helen was the daughter of Zeus and Leda, and the most beautiful of women. She married Menelaus, King of Sparta, but during his absence, was abducted by Paris, Prince of Troy. This precipitated the Trojan War. Afterwards she returned to Sparta with her husband.
Helicon was a mountain in central Greece, on which was situated a spring and a sanctuary sacred to the Muses.
Helios was the Greek god of physical light.
Hemera was the Greek goddess of day. She was born from Erebus and Nyx. She emerged from Tartarus as Nyx left it and returned to it as she was emerging from it.
In Huron mythology, Heng is the god of thunder.
Hephaestus was the Greek god of volcanic fire. The Romans called him Vulcan. He was the son of Zeus and Hera.
Heqt was the frog-headed goddess of ancient Egypt. She was wife of Khnemu. She represented resurrection and was symbolised by a frog.
Hera was a Greek goddess. She was mother to Hephaestus.
In Huli mythology, Herabe is a god who causes insanity.
In Greek and Roman mythology, Hercules (Heracles) was considered as the perfect athlete. He was given twelve labours.
1) Kill the Nemean lion.
2) Destroy the Lernean hydra.
3) Capture alive the Erymanthian boar.
4) Capture alive the Ceryneian stag.
5) Kill the Stymphalian birds.
6) Clean the Augean_stables.
7) Bring alive into Peloponnesus the Cretan bull.
8) Obtain the horses of Diomedes.
9) Obtain the girdle of Hippolyte.
10) Kill the monster and cattle of Geryon.
11) Obtain the apples of Hesperides.
12) Bring from the infernal regions Cerbeus the three headed dog of Hades.
In Greek mythology, Hermaphroditus was the son of Hermes and Aphrodite. He was loved by a nymph who asked for eternal union with him. Her request was granted and they became one body with both male and female sex organs.
Hermes was the Greek god of oratory. He was a son of Zeus and Maia.
In Norse mythology, Hermod is a messenger of the gods. He rode to Hel's realm after the death of Balder to try and convince her to let Balder come back from the dead.
*Herne The Hunter
In English folklore, Herne The Hunter is the spirit of a hunter which guards travellers through Windsor Great Park. He wears the antlers of a stag upon his head. Herne was prominent in the tales of Robin Hood, although Windsor Great Park is nowhere near Sherwood Forest.
The Hesperides were daughters of Atlas and Hesperis.
Hestia was a Greek goddess. She was a daughter of Cronus and Rhea. She was goddess of the hearth. She was also called Vesta.
Hinduism is a religion that originated in India.
In Iroquois mythology, Hino is the thunder god, guardian of the skies.
In Greek mythology, Hippocoon was a King of Sparta. He was the son of Oebalus and Gorgophone. He refused to purify Hercules after he murdered Iphitus and further offended Hercules by killing Oeonus.
In Greek mythology, Hippolytus was the son of Theseus. When he rejected the love of his stepmother, Phaedra, she falsely accused him of making advances to her and turned Theseus against him. Killed by Poseidon at Theseus' request, he was in some accounts of the legend restored to life when his innocence was proven.
In Canaanite mythology, Hiribi was the goddess of summer.
In Easter Island mythology, Hiro is the god of rain and fertility.
In Norse mythology, Hlin is a form of the goddess Frigg charged with protecting those men who Frigg wants kept safe.
In Chinese mythology, Ho-Hsien-Ku is the virgin of the mountains, agility, immortality and mother reverence. She is one of the `eight immortals'.
In Norse mythology, Hodur (Hod) was a son of Odin. The blind god of winter, who is tricked by Loki into killing Balder. Vali avenged Balder's death by killing Hodur.
In Norse mythology, after the war between the Aesir and the Vanir, Hoenir was sent as a hostage to the Vanir and gave sense to the first humans.
In Dakota mythology, Hokewingla is a turtle spirit who lives in the moon.
In Syrian mythology, Hokhma is the goddess of spiritual transformation. The mother of the stars and the inspiration of philosophers.
In Huli mythology, Honabe is the primaeval goddess and the first inhabitant of the land. She was seduced by the god Timbu and bore five deities.
The horae were the Greek goddesses of the seasons. They were daughters of Zeus and Themis.
Horus was the Egyptian hawkheaded sun god, son of Isis and Osiris, of whom the pharaohs were declared to be the incarnation.
In Pawnee mythology, Hoturu is the wind spirit.
In Chinese mythology, Hou-T'u is the goddess of the planet; Origin of people and all creation. She is the matron of the soil and its fertility.
In Maori mythology, Houmea was a cannibal who swallowed her own children, but was forced to disgorge them by her husband, Uta. She later persued him and the children in the form of a stag and he killed her by throwing hot stones down her mouth.
In Voodoo, the houngans are the priests.
In Norse mythology, Hresvelgr is a giant who lives in the extreme north and the motion of whose wings causes wind and tempest.
Hu was the giver of mead and wine to man. He holds a plough to show men that the noblest of the arts is to control and to guide.
In Chibcha mythology, Huitaca is the beautiful goddess of drunkeness and licentiousness.
In Aztec mythology, Huitzilopochtli was the son of Coatlicue and a god of war and the sun.
In Aztec mythology, Huixtocihuatl is the goddess of salt.
In Norse mythology, Huldra was a form of the goddess Frigg, who was attended by wood nymphs.
In Norse mythology, Hunin was a raven of thought which sat upon Odin's shoulder and brought him news everyday of what was occuring in the world.
In Greek mythology, the Hydra was a huge monster with nine heads. If one were cut off, two would grow in its place. One of the 12 labours of Hercules was to kill it.
Hygea was the daughter of Aesculapius. She was the goddess of health.
Hymen was the Greek and Roman god of marriage.
Hymenaeus is an alternative name for Hymen.
Hypnos was a son of night, and twin brother of Thanatos. He provided rest and relieved pain.
Iacchus is an alternative name for Dionysus.
In Brazilian mythology, Iamanja is the goddess of the sea. A merciful answerer of prayers and she whose waters salve the wounded spirit.
In Voodoo, Ibo is a handsome, friendly loa.
*Ibo Loa
In Voodoo, the Ibo Loa are gods and spirits.
Icarus escaped from the Minos labyrinth by means of wings made by his father Daedalus. In escaping he flew too close to the sun, the wax holding the feathers to the wings melted and icarus fell into the sea and drowned.
In Hindu mythology, Ida is a goddess of earth, abundant food and nourishment. She is the granter of any blessings invoked through her.
In Eskimo mythology, Idlirvirissong is an evil spirit.
In Norse mythology, Iduna was the wife of Bragi. She kept golden apples in a box which the gods ate to keep themselves young.
Ifa is the Yoruba god of wisdom, knowledge and divining.
In Eskimo mythology, Igaluk is the moon spirit.
In Tiwi mythology, Ilara is the underworld.
In Polynesian mythology, Ina is a two-faced great goddess of the sea, healing and death. She is an enchanting tapa-beating woman of the moon.
In Sumerian mythology, Inanna is the sister of Utu. She must choose as a husband between Enkimdu and Dumuzi. Both gods were keen to marry her, but she eventually married Dumuzi.
In folk-lore, the Incubus were male spirits who raped women during their sleep, producing Witches and Demons as offspring.
Indra is the Hindu sky god. He is depicted as a four-armed man on a white elephant carrying a thunderbolt. It is he who slashes the clouds with his thunderbolt to release the rain.
In Hindu mythology, Indrani is a voluptuously beautiful goddess. She who makes possible the perception of form through the eye.
In Inca mythology, Inti is the sun god.
In Greek mythology, Io was the daughter of Inachus. She was beloved of Zeus. Zeus changed her into a white heifer to protect her from the jealousy of Hera.
In Greek mythology, Iphigenia was a daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. She was sacrificed by her father at Aulis to secure favorable winds for the Greek fleet in the expedition against Troy, on instructions from the prophet Calchas. According to some accounts, she was saved by the goddess Artemis, and made her priestess.
Irene was the Greek goddess of peace. She was sometimes regarded as one of the Horae, who presided over the seasons and the order of nature, and were the daughters of Zeus and Themis.
Iris was the goddess of the rainbow. She was the daughter of Thaumas and Electra. She was a sister of the harpies. She was a messenger who conveyed divine commands from Zeus and Hera to mankind.
Ishtar was the Sumerian goddess of love and war, worshiped by the Babylonians and Assyrians, and personified as the legendary queen Semiramis.
Isis was an ancient Egyptian goddess associated with serpants and the colour red.
In Eskimo mythology, Isitoq is a spirit who helps to find people who have broken taboos.
In Celtic and medieval legend, Isolde was the wife of King Mark of Cornwall who was brought from Ireland by his nephew Tristan. She and Tristan accidentally drank the aphrodisiac given to her by her mother for her marriage, were separated as lovers, and finally died together.
In Amazon mythology, Ituana is the great goddess of the Amazon river. She is the many-breasted foster mother of the earth's innumerable children.
In Aztec mythology, Itzpapalotl is a dragon-like goddess of agriculture.
*Ix Chel
In Maya mythology, Ix Chel is the mother of deities, she is a wise, gentle, lustrous and radiant goddess of the moon and water. The Eagle Woman.
In Greek mythology, Ixion was King of the Lapithae in Thessaly who was punished for his wickedness by being tied to a perpetually revolving wheel of fire.
In Maya mythology, Ixtab is the goddess of the hanged. She receives their souls into paradise.
In Aztec mythology, Ixtlilton was the god of healing, feasting and games.
In Keres mythology, Iyatiku is the earth mother. A Counselor and she who welcomes us home when we cast off our coil of flesh.
Izdubar was a hero of ancient Babylonia. He has feats similar to those of Hercules ascribed to him.
In Aztec mythology, Iztaccihuatl was a mother goddess the white mountains. She who provides animal-spirit guardians.
In Hindu mythology, Jagadhamba was the goddess of the cosmic energy which motivates evolution, She Who dances the dance of life. Equivalent to the Dravidian goddess Jyestha.
Janus was a two faced Roman god of beginnings and ends.
In Guarani mythology, Japeusa was one of the three sons of Rupave and Sypave. He was born standing up and was the disobedient son who did things backwards.
In Hindu mythology, Jara is the goddess of the household, domestic health, happiness and prosperity. The night-eater of corpses.
Jason was the rightful king of Iolcus. He was smuggled out of Iolcus by Cheiron. When Jason returned to claim his birthright, Pelias sent him to fetch the golden fleece from Colchis.
In Voodoo, Jean is a stern, but nervous loa who rules the thunder and earthquakes.
In Chinese mythology, Jen-Shen is a divine Shehe of man. The creator of thought, language, music and civilizations.
In Zimbabwean mythology, Jezanna is a glowing goddess of the golden moon, abundant crops, healthy children and plentiful cattle.
In Muslim mythology, a jinn is a spirit which is able to assume human or animal shape.
Jocasta was the wife of Laius the king of Thebes. She unwittingly had incest with Oedipus, bringing a plague on Thebes. Her father sacrificed himself to rid Thebes of the plague. Jocasta hanged herself when she learnt the truth of her marriage to Oedipus.
In Iroquois mythology, jogah are dwarf nature spirits.
In Norse mythology, Jord is an earth goddess and the mother of Thor and Frigg.
In Norse mythology, Jormungandr is the great dragon which lives in the Ocean-stream which runs around Midgard.
In Norse mythology, Jotunheim is the abode of the giants. It is on the edge of the ocean far to the north east.
In Colombian mythology, Jubchas-Guaya was the rebellious, light-hearted, wild and lovely goddess of the moon, love, happiness and intoxication.
Juno was the Roman name for the Greek goddess Hera.
Jupiter was the Roman name for the Greek god Zeus.
In Roman mythology, Juturna was a goddess of springs, rivers, aqueducts and fountains. The matron of architects and sculptors.
In Roman mythology, Juventas was a goddess of increase and blessings. She was representative of the eternal youth and solidarity of a species.
In Dravidian mythology, Jyestha was the goddess of the cosmic energy which motivates evolution. She who dances the dance of life.
In Sumerian mythology, Kabta is the god of bricks, he is the god who lays foundations and builds houses.
In Wintun mythology, Kahit is the wind god.
Kali is the Hindu goddess of destruction and death. She is the wife of Siva.
In Ndonga mythology, Kalunga is the creator of all things, the supreme god.
In Maya mythology, Kan-u-Uayeyab was the god who guarded cities.
In Cherokee mythology, Kanati was the first man and ancestor of the Cherokee. He was married to Selu.
In Hawaiin mythology, Kapo is a fertility god.
In Canaanite mythology, the Kathirat were the wise goddesses.
In Iroquois mythology, Keneun is chief of the Thunderbirds. He is an invisible spirit. Thunder is the sound of his beating wings and lightning his flashing eyes.
In Guarani mythology, Kerana is the goddess of sleep.
In Egyptian mythology, Khem was the god of reproduction and generation. He was identified as Pan by the Greeks.
Khepera was the ancient Egyptian god of creation who propelled the sun
across the sky.
Khu was the ancient Egyptian term for the soul.
In Aymara mythology, Khuno is the god of snowstorms.
In Sumerian mythology, Ki was the personification of the earth.
In Angolan mythology, Kianda is the god of the sea and the fish in it.
*Kinich Kakmo
In Maya mythology, Kinich Kakmo is the sun god symbolised by the Macaw.
In Angolan folklore, a Kishi is an evil spirit. It is a demon with two faces on its head. One face resembles that of a normal man, and the other is the face of a hyena with big strong teeth and powerful jaw muscles.
In Maya mythology, Kisin is the evil earthquake spirit. He lives beneath the earth in a purgatory where all souls except those of soldiers killed in battle and women who died in childbirth spend some time. Suicides are doomed to his realm for eternity.
In Norse mythology, Kolga is a daughter of Aegir and Ran.
In Russian mythology, Kostrubonko is god of the spring.
In Canaanite mythology, Kothar-u-Khasis was the god of craftsmanship.
In Maya mythology, Kukucan is the wind god.
In Hausa mythology, Kuri is a black hyena spirit who causes paralysis.
In Voodoo, L'inglesou is a fierec looking loa who lives among rocks and in ravines and kills those who offend him.
In Greek mythology, Lacedaemon was a son of Zeus and Taygete. He married Sparte. He was King of Lacedaemon and named the capital city Sparta after his wife.
The Laestrygones were a race of giant cannibals. They were ruled by Lamus. At Telepylos Odysseus lost all but one of his ships to them.
In Sumerian mythology, Lahar was the god of cattle. He was created by Enlil to provide cattle for the earth.
Laius was the king of Thebes and father of Oedipus.
Lakshami is the Hindu goddess of wealth and beauty.
Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth and beauty. She is the consort of Vishnu and is celebrated during Diwali.
*Land of Cockaigne
The Land of Cockaigne is an imaginary Utopia in mediaeval legend where a life of luxury and idleness was possible. Cockaigne was a gourmand's paradise where the rivers flowed wine and the houses were made of cake and the pavements of pastry.
Laocoon was a Trojan prophet, son of Antenor and a priest of Apollo and Poseidon. He warned the Trojans against the Wooden Horse.
Laodice was a daughter of Priam and the wife of Helicaon. When Troy fell she was swallowed by the earth.
The Lares were beings of the Roman religion protecting households and towns.
Larissa was a city in Thessaly where Achilles was reportedly born.
Leda was a daughter of Thestius. She was the wife of Tyndareus. She was seduced by Zeus and gave birth to two eggs. From one hatched her daughter Helen and son Polydeuces, and from the other hatched Castor.
In Fon mythology, Legba is the youngest son of Lisa and Mawu. He is the god of fate.|In Voodoo, Legba is one of the two gods who open the road to the spirit world.
Lemnos was a small island at the mouth of the Hellespont. Hephaestus landed on Lemnos when Zeus threw him out of heaven, and set up a forge on the island.
In Greek mythology, Lethe was a river of the underworld whose waters, when drunk, brought forgetfulness of the past.
In Greek mythology Leto was the mother of Apollo.
Leuce was a nymph loved by Hades. He turned her into a white poplar tree.
Leucothea was a friendly sea-goddess who assisted Odysseus in his dangerous voyage. She was the daughter of Cadmus and originally the wife of Athamas, in which capacity she bore the name of Ino. She had incurred the wrath of Hera because she had suckled the infant Bacchus, and was pursued by her raving husband and thrown into the sea where she was saved by a dolphin and subsequently took her place as a marine deity under the name of Leucothea.
*Liber Pater
Liber Pater was an ancient Italian god of the vine.
Libera was the Roman name for the Greek goddess Persephone.
In Voodoo, Limba is a rough male loa who lives among the rocks and persecutes people. He has an insatiable appetite and is said to kill and eat his devotees.
In Fon mythology, Lisa is the sun god who causes the day and its heat. He is the god of strength and endurance.
Litai was the goddess of recompense.
In voodoo, the loa are spirits. They may be either male or female.
In Norse mythology, Lodur gave appearance and speech to the first humans.
In Norse mythology, Lofn was a goddess concerned with sparking passionate love. She had permission from Odin and Frigg to do so even for those who were forbidden to marry.
In Norse mythology, Loki was one of the Aesir (the principal gods), but the cause of dissension among the gods, and the slayer of Balder. He became a member of the Aesir when Odin made Loki his blood brother. His children are the Midgard serpent Jormungander, which girdles the Earth; the wolf Fenris; and Hela, goddess of death.
In Bakongo mythology, Lubangala is the protector of villages, men and the souls of the dead. He appears as a rainbow during and after storms.
In Celtic mythology, Luchtaine was the god of wheel making.
In Irish mythology, Lugh was the god of light. He killed his grandfather, Balor, during the great battle in which a new order of gods and goddesses took over from the primal beings of chaotic energy. He was the god of skill and ability.
Luna was the Roman name of the Greek goddess Selene.
In Voodoo, a lutin is the ghost of an unbaptised child.
Lutinus was the Roman name for the Greek god Priapus.
In Egyptian mythology, Maat was the goddess of truth and world order. She was depicted as holding an ankh.
In Celtic mythology, Mabon was the Son of Light, equated with the Roman Apollo. He was the god of liberation, harmony, music and unity.
In Irish mythology, Macha is a goddess of athletic games, festivals and fertility.
In Aztec mythology, Macuilxochitl was the god of music and dance.
In Norse mythology, Magni is a son of Thor, he will survive the Ragnarok.
Mahisha was chief of the demons in Hindu mythology. He was killed by Durga.
In Greek mythology, Maia was the daughter of Atlas and the mother of Hermes.
*Maman Brigitte
In voodoo, Maman Brigitte is the loa of death and cemeteries.
In Zulu mythology, Mamlambo is the godess of the rivers.
*Manannan mac Lir
In Celtic mythology, Manannan mac Lir (Barinthus) was the god of the ocean. He ferried the wounded King Arthur to the otherworld so that he could be cured.
The manes were the souls of departed people in the Greek and Roman religions.
In Batak mythology, Mangalubulan is the god of thieves.
In Hindu mythology, Manu was the founder of the human race. He was saved by Brahma from a deluge.
In Hindu mythology, Mara is a goddess of death.
In Buddhism, the Mara is a supernatural being who tried to distract Buddha from the meditations which led to his enlightenment.
In Guarani mythology, Marangatu was one of the three sons of Rupave and Sypave. He was virtuous, goodnatured, the father of Kerana.
*Marassa Jumeaux
In Voodoo, Marassa Jumeaux are the ghosts of dead twins.
Marduk was the Babylonian sun god, creator of Earth and humans.
In Celtic legend, Mark was king of Cornwall, uncle of Tristan, and suitor and husband of Isolde.
Mars was the Roman name for the Greek god Ares.
In Greek mythology, Marsyas was a satyr who took up the pipes thrown down by the goddess Athena and challenged the god Apollo to a musical contest. On losing, he was flayed alive.
In Hindu mythology, the Maruts are the fierce storm-beings who toss the sea into foam.
In Fon mythology, Mawu is the moon goddess. She is the sister of Lisa, and causes the night and its coolness. She is also the goddess of peace, joy, fertility, motherhood and rain.
In Aztec mythology, Mayahuel was a goddess of maguey.
In Zaire mythology, Mbombo is the White Giant who rules over the chaos of the universe and one day from his stomach comes the sun, the moon and the stars, and soon after the trees, animals and people of the earth.
In Greek mythology, Medea was the sorceress daughter of the king of Colchis. When Jason reached Colchis, she fell in love with him, helped him acquire the Golden Fleece, and they fled together. When Jason later married Creusa, daughter of the king of Corinth, Medea killed his bride with the gift of a poisoned garment, and then killed her own two children by Jason.
Meditrina was a Roman goddess of health. She was a sister of Hygea.
Medusa was the youngest and most beautiful of the gorgons. She loved Poseidon and desecrated the temple of Athene by meeting Poseidon there. For this she was punished by having her hair turned to snakes. The result was her appearance was so hideous to behold that it would turn the viewer to stone.
In Greek mythology, Megapenthes was a son of Proetus and King of Argos. He exchanged his dominion with that of Perseus and afterwards killed Perseus.
Melpomene was the muse of tragedy.
Memnon was the son of Eos and Tithonus. He was the king of Ethiopia who helped the Trojans and killed many Greeks. He was killed by Achilles in single combat whilst Zeus weighed their fates in the balance.
In Egyptian mythology, Memphis was the daughter of Nile. She married Epaphus who founded the city of Memphis and named it after his wife.
The Menat was an ancient Egyptian amulet employed to bring joy and health to the bearer. It represented the power of reproduction.
Menelaus was the husband of Helen of Troy.
Mercury was the Roman name for the Greek god Hermes.
Metempsychosis is the transmigration of the soul after death through the bodies of lower animals, plants or inanimate objects. Also called reincarnation.
In Aztec mythology, Metztli was the moon god.
In Aztec mythology, Mictlan was the underworld. It was the home of all the dead except warriors and women who died in labour.
In Aztec mythology, Mictlantecuhtli was the god of Mictlan and the dead.
In Greek mythology, Midas was a king of Phrygia who was granted the gift of converting all he touched to gold. He soon regretted his gift, as his food and drink were also turned to gold. For preferring the music of Pan to that of Apollo, he was given ass's ears by the latter.
In Norse mythology, Mimir was a god of wisdom and knowledge. He dwelt by the ash-tree Yggdrasil.
Minerva was the Roman name of the Greek goddess Athene.
In Greek mythology, Minos was a king of Crete (son of Zeus and Europa), who demanded a yearly tribute of young men and girls from Athens for the Minotaur. After his death, he became a judge in Hades.
In Greek mythology, the Minotaur was a monster, half man and half bull, offspring of Pasiphae, wife of King Minos of Crete, and a bull. It lived in the Labyrinth at Knossos, and its victims were seven girls and seven youths, sent in annual tribute by Athens, until Theseus killed it, with the aid of Ariadne, the daughter of Minos.
Mithras was the Persian god of light. Mithras represented the power of goodness, and promised his followers compensation for present evil after death. He was said to have captured and killed the sacred bull, from whose blood all life sprang. Mithraism was introduced into the Roman Empire 68 BC. By about AD 250, it rivaled Christianity in strength. A bath in the blood of a sacrificed bull formed part of the initiation ceremony of the Mithraic cult, which spread rapidly, gaining converts especially among soldiers.
In Maya mythology, Mitnal was the underworld hell where the wicked were tortured.
Mnemosyne was the mother of the muses. She signified the memory of great events.
In Norse mythology, Modi is a son of Thor, he will survive the Ragnarok.
Moerae was the Greek goddess of right and reason.
In Voodoo, Mombu is a stammering loa who causes storms of torrential rain.
Momus was the ancient Greek god of jeering.
In Guarani mythology, Monai was god of the countryside and the air.
Morpheus was an ancient Greek god of dreams.
Morrigan was the Celtic goddess of war and death who could take the shape of a crow.
In Canaanite mythology, Mot was the god of sterility.
In Norse mythology, Munin was a raven of memory which sat on Odin's shoulder and along with Hunin brought Odin news each day of what was occuring in the world.
The muses were nympths of the springs.
Myrtilus was the son of Hermes.
In Greek mythology, the Na'iads were nymphs of fountains and brooks.
In Maya mythology, Nacon was the god of war.
*Nago Shango
In Voodoo, Nago Shango is a powerful and lively loa.
In Sumerian mythology, Nammu was the goddess who gave birth to the heavens and the earth.
In Sumerian mythology, Nana was a virgin mother goddess of the Spirit of vegetation and fertility. A beloved consort of kings.
In Sumerian mythology, Nanna was the god of the Moon.
In Norse mythology, Nanna is a moon goddess. She is the wife of Balder and mother of Forseti. She died of heartache after Balder's death and was burned with him on his funeral boat.
In Greek mythology, Narcissus was a beautiful youth who rejected the love of the nymph Echo and was condemned to fall in love with his own reflection in a pool. He pined away and in the place where he died a flower sprang up that was named after him.
In Norse mythology, Nastrand was the worst region of hell. It's roofs and doors were wattled with hissing snakes, ejecting poison and it was through this that murderers and perjurers were forced to wade as punishment.
Nauplius was the son of Amymone and Poseidon. He was the wrecker of Nauplia.
In the mythology of Sulawesi Island, Ndara is the god of the underworld.
The Nefer was an ancient Egyptian amulet signifying happiness and good luck. It was made of red stone or red porcelain and was worn from a necklace or a string of beads.
In Egyptian mythology, Neith was the goddess of the heavens.
Nemesis was the goddess of punishment.
Nephthys was an ancient Egyptian goddess. Daughter of Seb and Nut, she married Seth.
Neptune was the Roman name for the Greek god Poseidon.
In Greek mythology, the Nereid were 50 sea goddesses, or nymphs, who sometimes mated with mortals. Their father was Nereus and their mother was Doris.
Nereus was a sea god. He was a son of Pontys and Gaea.
Nergal was the Babylonian god of the underworld.
In Fiji mythology, Ngendi is a fertility god who showed men the use of fire.
In Huli mythology, the god Ni is the sole cause of leprosy.
In Norse mythology, Nidhogg is a dragon which devours the corpses of evil doers. He lives in Hwergelmir, in the realm of Hel.
Nike was the goddess of victory. She was the daughter of Pallas and Styx.
In Canaanite mythology, Nikkal was the goddess of the fruits of the earth. She was a daughter of Hiribi. She married Yarikh.
In Sumerian mythology, Ningal was the wife of Nanna.
In Sumerian mythology, Ninhursag was the earth mother. From her union with Enki came Ninsar, the goddess of plants.
In Sumerian mythology, Ninkurra was a goddess. She was the daughter of Enki and his daughter Ninsar.
In Sumerian mythology, Ninsar was the goddess of plants. She was the daughter of Enki and Ninhursag.
In Greek mythology, Niobe was the daughter of Tantalus and wife of Amphion, the king of Thebes. She was contemptuous of the goddess Leto for having produced only two children, Apollo and Artemis. She died of grief when her own 12 offspring were killed by them in revenge, and was changed to stone by Zeus.
In Norse mythology, Njord is a sea god of fruitfulness who lives in Noa-tun.
In Norse mythology, the Norn were three goddesses of fate - the goddess of the past (Urd), the goddess of the present (Verdandi), and the goddess of the future (Skuld).
In Norse mythology, the Norns were three sisters responsible for the destiny of individuals and gods.
Notus was the south wind god.
In Egyptian mythology, Nut was the sky goddess and mother of Osiris by Seb. She was married to Ra, but also took Thoth for a lover.
In ancient Egyptian mythology, Nutpe was the sister and wife of Seb. She was the mother of Isis and Osiris and presided over births and nursing.
A nymph was a higher being than a human, but not immortal like a god. They were respected in mythology.
Nyx was a goddess of night. She was a daughter of Chaos. She married Erebus.
In Yoruba mythology, Obatala was the son of Olodumare. He created makind from the earth.
In English folklore, Oberon is the king of the elves.
The oceanides were 40 sea nymphs of the ocean. They were the daughters of Oceanus.
Oceanus was the son of Uranus and Gaea. He was the only Titan not to revolt against Uranus.
Ocypete was one of the harpies.
Odin was chief god of Norse mythology. A sky god, he lived in Asgard, at the top of the world-tree, and from the Valkyries receives the souls of half of the heroic slain warriors, feasting with them in his great hall, Valhalla; the rest are feasted by Freya his wife.
In Yoruba mythology, Oduduwa is the wife of Obatala.
Odysseus was a Greek hero. He devised the strategy of the wooden horse used by the Greeks to conquer Troy.
Oedipus was the son of Laius. The Delphic oracle foretold that Laius would be killed by his son, so Oedipus was abandoned on mount Cithaeron with a nail through his feet. However, he was found by a shepherd and raised by Polybus. Hearing that he would kill his father, Oedipus left Corinth and met Laius on his travel. He killed him in an argument not knowing who he was.
In Irish mythology, Oenghus is the son of Daghdha and Boann. He is the god of fatal love.
In Greek mythology, Oeonus was a son of Licymnius. He was attacked by a dog belonging to the sons of Hippocoon, he threw a stone at the dog and in revenge the sons of Hippocoon killed him.
In Celtic mythology, Ogmios was the eloquent god of the strength of poetry, charm and incantation. He is depicted as an old man with wrinkles, but carrying a club and a bow.
In Voodoo, Ogoun is a warrior and blacksmith loa. He is especially fond of rum and tobacco.
In Norse mythology, Ogres are creatures who make the storms and who with their iron clubs strike the earth and send it flying into the air.
In Yoruba mythology, Ogun is a son of Obatala and Oduduwa. He was a warrior who won many battles and was rewarded with the kingdom of the town of Ire in the land of Ekiti given to him by Oduduwa.
In Iroquois mythology, the Ohdows are the jogah who control the underworld spirits and prevent them coming to the surface.
Oileus was one of the Argonauts, he was the father of Ajax.
In Nigerian mythology, Olokun is the god of sea and lagoons and brother of Olorun.
In Nigerian mythology, Olorun is the god of the sky.
In Aztec mythology, Ometecuhtli was the god of duality.
Omphale was queen of Lydia. She bought Hercules as a slave who stayed with her for 3 years.
In Lydian mythology, Omphale is a goddess of the earth, rebirth & augury. The universal womb and the hub of life.
In Nande folklore, an Omuli is a woman or girl who consumes the soul of a living person, and causes that person to die of consumption.
Oneiros was the ancient Greek god of dreams.
Ops was the Roman goddess of plenty and the personification of abundance.
The oreades were mountain nymphs.
Orestes was the son of Clytemnestra and Agamemnon. As a child he was smuggled out of Mycenae by his sister Electra when Clytemnestra and Aegisthus seized power. He later killed Clytemnestra with the help of Electra and Pylades and was punished by the Erinnyes.
Orion was a giant and son of Poseidon. He was a hunter and very handsome. He was promised the hand of Merope whom he loved if he could ride Chios. He did but was not given Merope so he seduced her. Apollo caused his death at the hands of Artemis who put his image in the stars.
Orpheus was a mythical Greek poet and musician. The son of Apollo and a muse, he married Eurydice, who died from the bite of a snake. Orpheus went down to Hades to bring her back and her return to life was granted on condition that he walk ahead of her without looking back. He did look back and Eurydice was irretrievably lost. In his grief, he offended the maenad women of Thrace, and was torn to pieces by them.
Osiris was the Egyptian god of goodness. He ruled the underworld after being killed by Seth.
In Roman mythology, Ossipago was a minor goddess of skeletal structures and the strengthener of fetal bones.
In Saxon mythology, Ostara was the goddess of sunrise and the east. The ruler of the vernal equinox and earth's springtime burgeoning.
In Greek mythology Ourania was a mountain goddess of summer, especially mid-summer. The Queen of the winds and ruler of the night sky.
In Norse mythology, Outgard is the home of giants and monsters.
An ovate was a type of druid. His purpose was to observe and invent. His robe was green symbolising budding life.
Pales was a Roman god of cattle-rearing.
In Greek mythology Pallas was one of the Titans. He was a son of Crius and Eurybia and brother of Astraeus and Perses. He married Styx and fathered Zelus, Cratos, Bia and Nike.
Pan was the Greek god who looked after shepherds and their flocks. His parentage is unsure. In some accounts he is the son of Zeus, in others the son of Hermes. His mother was a nymph.
In Greek mythology, Pandarus was the leader of the forces of Zeleia in Lycia at the Trojan War. He was the second best Greek archer (next to Paris) and fought in the Trojan War as an archer.
In Greek mythology, Pandion was a son of Erichthonius, the King of Athens.
Pandora was a woman made by the gods. She was taken to Epimetheus by Hermes. He made her his wife, against his brother's advice. Pandora came with a sealed vase. Her husband was tempted and opened the vase from which came all the troubles, weariness and illnesses that mankind is now burderned with.
In Greek mythology, Paris was a prince of Troy whose abduction of Helen, wife of King Menelaus of Sparta, caused the Trojan War. Helen was promised to him by the goddess Aphrodite as a bribe, in his judgment between her beauty and that of two other goddesses, Hera and Athena. Paris killed the Greek hero Achilles by shooting an arrow into his heel, but was himself killed by Philoctetes before the capture of Troy.
In Greek mythology, Pasiphae was the wife of King Minos of Crete and mother of Phaedra and of the Minotaur.
In Aztec mythology, Patecatl was the god of medicine.
Patroclus was a cousin and close friend of Achilles. He was killed by Hector in the Trojan wars.
Pax is an alternative name for Eirene.
In Aztec mythology, Paynal was the messenger to Huitzilopochtli.
Pegasus was the winged horse offspring of Medusa and Poseidon.
Pehrer was an ancient Egyptian god.
In Greek mythology, Peirithous was a King of the Lapiths and a son of Ixion and Dia. He waged war against the Centaurs and helped Theseus carry off the Amazon Antiope and later Helen. He tried to abduct Persephone, but was bound to a stone seat by her husband Hades and remained a prisoner in the underworld.
Pelias was king of Iolcus and half-brother of Jason.
In Greek mythology, Penelope was the wife of Odysseus, the king of Ithaca; their son was Telemachus. While Odysseus was absent at the siege of Troy she kept her many suitors at bay by asking them to wait until she had woven a shroud for her father-in-law, but unraveled her work each night. When Odysseus returned, after 20 years, he and Telemachus killed her suitors.
Peneus was a river god. He was a son of Oceanus and Tethys.
Persephone was a Greek goddess. She was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter. Hades obtained sanction from Zeus to carry her off by force and marry her.
Perseus found Medusa asleep and cut her head off which he presented to Athene. He married Andromeda.
*Petro loa
In Voodoo, the Petro loa are a group of easily annoyed spirits symbolised by the whip.
In Greek mythology, Phaea was the Crommyonium Sow a wild pig said to have been the offspring of Echidna and Typhon. It ravaged the town of Crommyon on the Isthmus of Corinth until it was destroyed by Theseus.
In Greek mythology, Phaedra was a daughter of Minos, King of Crete and Pasiphae. Her unrequited love for Hippolytus led to his death and her suicide. She became renowned as a minor goddess of the moon, barley, myrtle, rain-making and the death of kings. A siren-like Enchantress.*Pheme
Pheme was the goddess of fame. She was a daughter of Gaea.
In Greek mythology, Philyra was the shape-shifting goddess of beauty, perfume, healing, writing and divination. She was the discoverer of paper.
In Greek mythology, Phoebe was the goddess of waxing and waning cycles. Ruler of the sapphire-regioned moon and cloven-hoofed animals.
Phoebus was the Greek god of enlightenment.
In Greek mythology, Phyllis was a goddess of spring, trees, wisdom, women's secrets and the genetic knowledge contained in seeds.
Picus was a Roman god. He was the son of Saturnus and father of Faunus. His wife was Canens. He was a prophet and god of the forest.
In Voodoo, Pie is a grave soldier loa who lies at the bottom of ponds and rivers. He makes floods.
In Eskimo mythology, Pinga is a female spirit who watches carefully over men's actions, especially their treatment of animals.
Pitho was the daughter of Aphrodite. She was the goddess of persuasion.
The Pleiades were the seven daughters of Atlas and Pleione. They were turned into doves by Zeus and and their image put into the stars to save them from the attentions of Orion.
In Greek mythology, Pleuron was a son of Aetolus and Pronoe and brother to Calydon. He married Xanthippe by whom he fathered Agenor, Sterope, Stratonice and Laophonte. He is said to have founded the town of Pleuron in Aetolia.
Pluto was the Roman name for the Greek god Hades.
Poena was the attendant of punishment to Nemesis.
Polites was a son of Priam and Hecabe. He was killed before them by Neoptolemus.
Pollux was the Roman name for Polydeuces.
Polybus was king of Corinth. He raised Oedipus as his own son.
Polydeuces was twin brother of Castor. He was a son of Zeus and Leda. He was born from an egg after Zeus visited Leda disguised as a swan.
In Greek mythology, Polydorus was a son of Cadmus and Harmonia. he was King of Thebes and husband of Nycteis by whom he fathered Labdacus.
Polymnia was the muse of song and oratory.
In Greek mythology, Polynices was a son of Oedipus. He and his brother Eteocles were supposed to rule Thebes in alternate years, but Eteocles refused to relinquish the throne, and Polynices sought the help of Adrastus. Polynices and Eteocles killed each other in single combat.
In Greek mythology Polyphemus was the most famous of the Cyclops. He is described as a giant cannibal living alone in a cave on Mount Etna. Odysseus and his companions unwarily sheltered in his cave, and Polyphemus killed and ate four of them before Odysseus intoxicated him with wine and when he fell asleep poked his eye out with a blazing stake. Polyphemus was also the despised lover of Galatea.
Pomona was a Roman goddess of garden fruits.
In Guarani mythology, Porasy was a daughter of Rupave and Sypave. She was the mother of beauty, a woman of great physical strength who sacrificied herself to save her people from the domination of the seven evil sons of Tau and Kerana.
Poseidon was the Greek god of the sea. He was a son of Cronus.
Priapus was the Greek god of fertility in nature. He was a son of Dionysus and Aphrodite.
*Primitive druid
The primitive_druid was an order of druid involved with teaching science and religion. His robe was white symbolising light, purity and knowledge.
In Greek mythology, Procne was a daughter of King Pandion and Zeuxippe. She married Tereus.
In Greek mythology, Procris was a daughter of Erechtheus and wife of Cephalus. Artemis gave her the hound Laelaps which she gave to her husband.
In ancient Greek legends, Procrustes was a robber. He robbed people whilst they slept. If his victim was too short for his bed he was stretched to death. If the victim was too long for his bed, his feet or legs were cut off. Theseus treated Procrustes in the same way.
In Greek mythology, Proetus was a son of Abas and the twin brother of Acrisius. In a dispute between the two brothers over the kingdom of Argos, Proetus was defeated and expelled. He fled to Iobates in Lycia and married his daughter Stheneboea. Iobates restored Proetus to his kingdom by force and Acrisius then agreed to share it, surrendering Tiryns to him. When Bellerophon came to Proetus to be purified for a murder, Sthenebeoa fell in love with him. Bellerophon refused her and she charged him with making improper proposals to her. Proetus then sent him to Iobates with a letter asking Iobates to murder Bellerophon.
Prometheus was a Greek hero. He was a son of the Titan Japetus. Prometheus obtained fire for mankind from Zeus.
Psyche was the personification of the passion of love. She appears in Roman mythology.
In Greek mythology, Pygmalion was a king of Cyprus who made an image in ivory of a maiden. He fell in love with the image and asked Venus to endow it with life. She did, and Pygmalion married the maiden.
In Greek mythology, Pylades was son of Strophius and Anaxibia. He assisted Orestes in murdering Clytemnestra and eventually married his sister Electra.
Qebhsennuf was the ancient Egyptian god of the West. His cannopic jar receives the liver and the gall-bladder.
In Aztec and Toltec mythology, Quetzalcoati was the feathered serpant god.
In ancient Mexican mythology, Quetzalcoatl was the god of the air. He presided over commerce, and was said to have predicted the coming of the Spaniards.
Ra was the ancient Egyptian god of the Sun. He was complemented by the moon goddess, Osiris and was identified by the Greeks with their own sun god, Helios. He was represented with a hawk's head, over which is a solar disc. Ra was the son of Neith and married Mut, representing the interaction of earth and sunlight in producing vegetation.
*Rada loa
In Voodoo, the Rada loa are the chief deities.
In Hindu mythology, Radha is the creative, life-sustaining, auspicious, benevolent, loving and redemptive goddess of the Gopis.
In Norse mythology, ragnarok is the ultimate battle between good and evil from which a new order will come.
*Raja Guru
In Batak mythology, Raja Guru is the gods' huntsman. He catches souls with his hounds Sordaudau and Auto Portburu. When he catches a soul that person dies suddenly.
*Raja Indainda
In Batak mythology, Raja Indainda is the thunder god. He is the spy and messenger of the other gods.
In Hindu mythology, Rajarajesvari is a goddess of world sustaining transcendental knowledge. She whose glances delight the universe.
In Hindu mythology, the rakshasa are demons capabale of assuming the form of animals or humans they are completely evil, powerful creatures that delight in spreading fear, confusion, chaos, and destruction among human families and communities, finishing the trouble they cause in a murderous, ghoulish feast upon human flesh. They are among the most feared of all creatures, for they delight in mental torture of their victims .
In Norse mythology Ran is the giant wife of Aegir. It is she who uses a net to draw the sailors of sinking ships to their doom.
Ranno was the ancient Egyptian god of gardens. he was represented as an asp.
In Fiji mythology, Rati-mbati-ndua is the god of the underworld who devours the dead. He lacks arms, but has great wings.
In Finnish mythology, Rauni (Mountain-Ash) was a goddess of air, clouds, thunder, life-giving rain and plant life. She who oversees the harvest.
In Hindu mythology, Ravana is the demon King of Lanka who abducted Sita, the wife of Rama.
In Voodoo, a revenant is a spirit of the dead who feeling neglected returns to plague their living relatives.
Rhadamanthus was a son of Zeus and Europa. He was famed for his wisdom and justice, and so after his death was made one of the judges of the underworld.
Rhamnusia was an alternative name for Nemesis.
Rhea was the Greek goddess of the earth, mountains and forests.
In Hindu mythology, Rohini (Red-One) is a fine-eyed goddess of stars and the rising sun. Ruler of the annual cycle and the light of knowledge.
In Gaulish Celtic mythology, Rosmerta was the goddess of fire, warmth, wealth and abundance. A flower Queen and hater of marriage. She was the beldame of death.
In Slavic mythology, Rozanica is a white clothed and glistening goddess who comes at birth to prophesy the fate of the child.
The runes are the letters of the alphabet peculiar to the ancient Teutonic peoples of north west Europe. There are 3 runic alphabets; the Norse, with 16 characters, the Anglo-Saxon with 40 and the German. Saxon tradition ascribes the invention of the runes to Woden. Their use reduced under christianity because of their connection with magic. They were used for casting spells as well as divining the future.
*Runic wand
A runic_wand was a smooth willow wand inscribed with runic characters (runes).
In Guarani mythology, Rupave was the first man, the father of the whole human race.
In Slavic mythology, Rusalky is a multiple goddess of spring and summer's plant growth. She is a water-sprite who lives in streams.
The Sabians were a sect which arose about 830 and who followed a religion of the ancient Syrians modified by Hellenic influences.
In Norse mythology, Saga was the daughter of Odin. She was the goddess of poetry.
Sajara is the Rainbow-god of the Songhai people of eastern Mali. He is represented by a forked tree where a white ram is sacrificed to him.
In Hindu mythology, Sakti is the goddess of cosmic energy, the will of evolution. It is she who gives birth to all force and all form.
The Salamanders are elementals evolved in the realm of Fire.
The Sam was an ancient Egyptian amulet for sexual pleasure.
In Voodoo, Samedi is an important loa, god of the cemetery.
In Hindu mythology, Sarasvati (She-who-flows-eloquently-onward), is a young and beautiful four-armed goddess of fertility, procreation, purification and literature.
Sarpedon was a son of Zeus and Europa. He went to Asia Minor and became the king of the Lycians after helping Cilix of Cilicia to defeat them. He helped Troy in the Trojan wars before being killed by Patroclus.
In Egyptian mythology, Sati was the goddess of the lower heavens (the air).
Saturnus was the Roman god of learning and agriculture. He appeared to king Janus and gave lessons on agriculture to his subjects.
The satyrs were attendants to the god Dionysus.
In Hindu mythology, Savitar is an all-powerful sun god. He cut off one hand at a sacrifice, and priests gave him a golden hand to replace it.
The Scarab was an Egyptian amulet associated with Khepera.
In Greek mythology, Sceiron (Sciron) was a robber who haunted the frontier between Attica and Megaris. He robbed travellers and kicked them into the sea where they were eaten by a tortoise that lived there. He was killed by Theseus.
In Egyptian mythology, Seb was the earth god. He was the father of Osiris and the son of Ra. Seb married his own sister, Nutpe.
Seidr was a form of Norse magic ascribed to Odin and Gullveig. It was mainly used for harmful purposes.
Selene was a Greek goddess of the moon.
In Greek mythology, Semele was a daughter of Cadmus and Harmonia. She was beloved by Zeus and bore him Dionysus.
In Egyptian mythology, Serapis was another name for Osiris, and was known as the judge of the underworld.
In Voodoo, a serviteur is someone who becomes posessed by a loa during a ceremony.
In Egyptian mythology, Seth (Set) was the devil and enemy of Osiris. Antelope (symbols of Osiris and Horus) were sacrificed to him.
In Canaanite mythology, Shahar was the god of the dawn, and twin brother of Shalim. He was a son of El and Asherah.
In Canaanite mythology, Shalim was the god of the dusk. He was the twin brother of Shahar and a son of El and Asherah.
In Yoruba mythology, Shango is an earth god. He was the King of Oyo, but because his citizens were dissatisfied with his tyranical rule he rode off into the forest and rose up into heaven where he became a god of thunder and lightning. He is the god of justice and fair play.
In Caananite mythology, Shapash is the sun goddess.
The Shen was an ancient Egyptian amulet representing the sun's orbit and symbolising eternity.
In Norse mythology, Sif was a goddess of crops and fertility, married married to Thor.
Silenius was the oldest satyr.
Silvanus was a Roman god of the forest.
The Sirens (Acheloides) were daughters of the river-god Achelous and a Muse. They had been nymphs and playmates of Persephone, and for not protecting her when she was carried off by Pluto, they were transformed into beings half-woman and chalf-bird by Demeter. Later they were transformed into half-woman and crhalf-fish.
In Greek mythology, Sisyphus was an evil King of Corinth. After he died he was condemned in the underworld to roll a huge stone uphill, which always fell back before he could reach the top.
In Hindu mythology, Sita is a goddess of spring, agriculture and the earth. She is the Corn Mother, the field which brings forth bounteously.
In Norse mythology, Sjofn (Vjofn) was a goddess concerned with causing men and women to think of love. It was her duty to stop fights between married couples.
In Norse mythology, Skadi was a mountain giantess. A goddess on skis. The snow-shoe goddess of winter and hunting.
In Norse mythology, Skuld was the Norn of the future.
In Norse mythology, Sleipnir was the swift horse ridden by Odin.
In Norse mythology, Snotra was a wise and gentle goddess who knew the value of self-discipline.
In Voodoo, Sobo is a loa who looks like a handsome soldier.
In Hua mythology, Sodza is the great god who lives in heaven and to whom the priests pray for rain.

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